Drogen im Visier

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Nirgendwo sonst sind die Gewinnmargen so exorbitant hoch wie im Drogengeschäft. Geschätzte 500 Milliarden US-Dollar Umsatz werden pro Jahr mit dem Verkauf von Heroin, Kokain, Amphetaminen und Co. generiert. Wer vom Geschäft mit der Sucht profitiert, über welche Wege das Rauschgift zum Endverbraucher gelangt und welcher Tricks sich Drogenkartelle bedienen, darüber gibt die Reihe „Drogen im Visier“ Aufschluss.


Mike Secher
Mike Secher
Huey Morgan
Huey Morgan
Lilith Astaroth
Lilith Astaroth


Drogen im Visier: Staffel 1

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Drogen im Visier: Staffel 5

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Drogen im Visier: Staffel 6

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Cocaine White Gold
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Cocaine White Gold


With more than 4 million regular users in the United States alone, cocaine has become worth more than gold. Join Nat Geo Channel as we go inside one of the largest markets in the country, Los Angeles, Calif.

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Marijuana Mayhem
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Marijuana Mayhem


The rapidly growing appetite for California Sour Diesel, a potent strain of marijuana said to induce an instant high, is helping fuel a violent drug underworld that stretches from coast to coast.

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Sin-dependence Day
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Sin-dependence Day


Chicago, Illinois, is the drug hub of the Midwest and one of the most dangerous large cities in the United States. The Fourth of July is one of the bloodiest nights of the year and a time when the demand for drugs booms.

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Drogen im Visier: Staffel 7

The Real Wolves of Wall Street
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The Real Wolves of Wall Street


The culture of cocaine is deeply entrenched on Wall Street and some will pay more than its worth for the purest quality available. It’s a buyer’s market and dealers must compete to deliver first and close the sale, while keeping up with the changing Wall Street appetite. A new generation of brokers and traders are turning to a drug that keeps them performing at work. And police are coming down on a drug that they regard as Wall Street’s dirty little secret — which is quickly turning into an epidemic.

Hip Hop High
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Hip Hop High


The relationship between the million-dollar hip-hop industry and the billion-dollar drug industry; rappers in Calif. use drug money to pay for their studio time.

X-Rated High
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X-Rated High


Delving into the Los Angeles porn industry, where a reputation for illegal drugs is under more scrutiny than ever after a number of HIV scares are changing the toleration of narcotics on set.

Cancun Spring Break
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Cancun Spring Break


Thousands of students head to Cancun, Mexico for Spring Break and some have only one thing on there mind: to get wasted.

Jailhouse Junkies
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Jailhouse Junkies


Enterprising inmates in two jails with tough drug policies, one in Calif. and the other in N.J., still find ways to get drugs inside.

Big Apple Coke
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Big Apple Coke


As trafficking drugs through the Caribbean increases in preference to the land route across the Mexican border, gangs in the Dominican Republic have become a key players in the transhipment of cocaine.

Detroit Halloween
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Detroit Halloween


Follow Detroit’s dealers, cops and feds as they take on the city’s wild rave scene in the frantic 48 hours leading up to Halloween. Anarchy rules the Motor City: Around the notorious 8 Mile Road, street slingers stock up and look for new opportunities downtown. In the suburbs, middle-class dealers bring party drugs to raves.

Pittsburgh Smack
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Pittsburgh Smack


When Pittsburgh police crack down on heroin, they inadvertently open the door for wannabe dealers that see a chance to muscle their way into the market with a killer brand.

The Living Dead
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The Living Dead


The side effects of drug use can be disastrous, but the people living in the world of the living dead fight an epic battle.

Silicon Valley High
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Silicon Valley High


The drug of choice in Silicon Valley is cocaine, but a cop crackdown is pushing dealers and their programmer clients to meth.

Grim Reaper
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Grim Reaper


From the DEA and dealers to users and doctors, Grim Reaper explores the deadliest drugs across the globe.

Heroin Island, NYC
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Heroin Island, NYC


Heroin on Staten Island is reaching epidemic proportions as dealers from New Jersey take advantage of a crackdown on prescription pills that's leaving teenagers desperate for a soporific high.

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Follow the rise in demand for narcotics during Mardi Gras, Spring Break, Independence Day, and New Years Eve, through the eyes of dealers, law enforcement and users

Euro Coke
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Euro Coke


Cocaine is Europe-bound and which means a white-knuckle ride along the Amazon, to the docks of Ghana and Nigeria and all the way to Amsterdam.

Business Behind Bars
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Business Behind Bars


Arresting drug dealers is just the beginning for some in the drug game, as some inmates continue to do business behind bars.

Aussie Ice Wars
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Aussie Ice Wars


Outlaw bikers fight cops and Chinese Triads to keep control of the crystal meth trade.

Tex Meth
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Tex Meth


Meet the network of traffickers, runners and smugglers delivering meth to the masses in Austin. At the Tex-Mex border, officials do everything they can to cut off supply.

Boston Weed Party
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Boston Weed Party


Marijuana is widespread amongst the student population in Boston and, with National Weed day on the horizon, dealers and students are gearing up.

Bangkok Ice
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Bangkok Ice


Thai police battle an addiction epidemic as popularity of meth pill Yaba spins out of control. Dealers continue to find ways to dodge the authorities and keep profits rolling in.

Shooting Up Suburbia
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Shooting Up Suburbia


In Vancouver, a suburban gang war and heavy police presence drives some dealers and their customers to move downtown. But the cops are in hot pursuit.

Drogen im Visier: Staffel 8

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Drogen im Visier: Staffel 9

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