Tokyo Ghoul

Es gibt eine Reihe von Möglichkeiten , Tokyo Ghoul in Deutschland anzusehen, und wir haben hier die beliebtesten durchgesehen: Sehen Sie sich unten Ihr Streaming-Abonnement an oder lesen Sie die gesamte Liste.

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Willkommen in der dunklen Welt von Tokyo Ghoul!

Tokyo Ghoul, im Jahr 2014 veröffentlicht, ist eine fesselnde Anime-Serie, die das Publikum in ihren Bann zieht. Basierend auf dem gleichnamigen Manga von Sui Ishida erzählt die Show die Geschichte eines jungen Mannes, der unerwartet in eine Welt des Horrors und der übernatürlichen Wesen gezogen wird.

Mit fesselnden Charakteren und einer packenden Handlung ist die Serie für ihre Tiefe und Spannung bekannt. Vom talentierten Regisseur Shuhei Morita geleitet, präsentiert Tokyo Ghoul atemberaubende Animationen und eine düstere Atmosphäre, die die Zuschauer in eine Welt voller Geheimnisse und Intrigen entführt.

Die Hauptrolle des Ken Kaneki wird von dem talentierten Schauspieler Masataka Kubota verkörpert, der die Entwicklung des Charakters mit Bravour meistert. Die Serie begeistert auch mit weiteren talentierten Schauspielern wie Fumika Shimizu, Nobuyuki Suzuki und Yu Aoi, die dem Plot weitere Tiefe verleihen.

Die erste Staffel von Tokyo Ghoul erhielt von Kritikern begeisterte Kritiken und wurde von Zuschauern weltweit hochgelobt. Die packende Geschichte, die intensiven Charakterentwicklungen und das visuelle Spektakel haben die Herzen der Fans erobert.

Tokyo Ghoul ist eine einzigartige Serie, die Anime-Liebhaber und Fans von Horror gleichermaßen fasziniert. Tauchen Sie ein in diese düstere Welt und erleben Sie die atemberaubende Geschichte von Ken Kaneki, der um sein Überleben kämpft und dabei herausfindet, ob er ein Monster oder ein Mensch ist.

Streaming-Optionen in Deutschland

NetflixAmazon PrimeDisney Plus
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Monica Rial
Monica Rial
Natsuki Hanae
Natsuki Hanae
Austin Tindle
Austin Tindle
Brina Palencia
Brina Palencia
Sora Amamiya
Sora Amamiya
Clifford Chapin
Clifford Chapin
Sean Hennigan
Sean Hennigan
Mike McFarland
Mike McFarland
Lara Woodhull
Lara Woodhull
Christopher Sabat
Christopher Sabat

Netflix in Deutschland: Schauen Sie "Tokyo Ghoul" noch heute!


Leider ist die beliebte Show "Tokyo Ghoul" aus dem Jahr 2014 nicht sofort auf Netflix in Deutschland verfügbar. Aber keine Sorge, denn Sie können sie noch heute anschauen, indem Sie Ihre aktuelle Netflix-Abonnements nutzen! Netflix bietet unterschiedliche Inhalte in verschiedenen Ländern an, und Sie können mit einem VPN-Tool Ihr Land ändern und sie freischalten. Gehen Sie dazu wie folgt vor:

  1. Melden Sie sich bei ExpressVPN an und installieren Sie die App auf Ihrem Handy/Tablet/Fernseher.
  2. Wählen Sie innerhalb der ExpressVPN-App ein Land aus, in dem die Show verfügbar ist, wie zum Beispiel das Vereinigte Königreich.
  3. Öffnen Sie Netflix und beginnen Sie sofort mit dem Anschauen!

Mit "Tokyo Ghoul" tauchen Sie in eine düstere Welt ein, in der Menschen von gefährlichen Wesen namens Ghouls bedroht werden. Die Geschichte erkundet Themen wie Identität, Moral und die Komplexität der menschlichen Natur. Die packende Handlung und die beeindruckende Leistung der Schauspieler machen diese Show zu einem absoluten Must-See für Anime- und Horrorfans.

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Amazon Prime in Deutschland

Amazon Prime

Obwohl die Show "Tokyo Ghoul" nicht sofort auf Amazon Prime in Deutschland verfügbar ist, kann sie mit Ihrem aktuellen Amazon Prime-Abonnement noch heute freigeschaltet und angesehen werden! Amazon Prime bietet unterschiedliche Inhalte in verschiedenen Ländern an, und Sie können Ihre Länderwahl mit einem VPN ändern, um darauf zuzugreifen. Hier ist, was Sie tun sollten:

  1. Registrieren Sie sich für ExpressVPN und installieren Sie die App auf Ihrem Telefon/Tablet/Fernseher.
  2. Wählen Sie in der ExpressVPN-App ein Land aus, das die Serie bereits anbietet, wie zum Beispiel Frankreich.
  3. Öffnen Sie Amazon Prime und fangen Sie sofort an, es zu sehen!

Mit ExpressVPN können Sie "Tokyo Ghoul" ganz einfach streamen und in das faszinierende Universum dieser packenden Serie eintauchen. Die Serie, basierend auf dem gleichnamigen Manga von Sui Ishida, erzählt die Geschichte von Kaneki Ken, einem normalen jungen Mann, der in eine Welt der Ghule gezogen wird - Kreaturen, die Menschen essen - und selbst zu einem Ghul wird. Durch seine Charakterentwicklung und die fesselnde Handlung ist "Tokyo Ghoul" ein absolutes Muss für alle Anime-Liebhaber!

Mit ExpressVPN auf Amazon Prime freischalten

Wie man "Tokyo Ghoul" auf Disney+ in Deutschland anschauen kann

Disney Plus

Leider ist die beliebte Serie "Tokyo Ghoul", die im Jahr 2014 veröffentlicht wurde, derzeit auf Disney+ in Deutschland nicht verfügbar. Es ist schade, dass wir den Kampf des jungen Studenten Ken Kaneki gegen die gefährlichen Ghule nicht auf dieser Plattform verfolgen können. Streaming-Anbieter ändern ständig ihre Kataloge, daher halten wir uns immer auf dem neuesten Stand.

Im Laufe der Serie begegnen wir faszinierenden Charakteren wie Kaneki, Rize Kamishiro, Touka Kirishima und dem Ghul-Ermittler Kishou Arima. Die packende Handlung und die ausgezeichnete schauspielerische Leistung von Masataka Kubota als Ken Kaneki haben "Tokyo Ghoul" zu einem internationalen Erfolg gemacht.

Aber es gibt Hoffnung für diejenigen, die bereits ein anderes Streaming-Angebot nutzen. Möglicherweise können Sie "Tokyo Ghoul" auf einer anderen Plattform oder in einem anderen Land freischalten. Lesen Sie die anderen Abschnitte dieses Artikels, um herauszufinden, wie Sie Ihre vorhandenen Dienste nutzen können, um die Serie zu sehen.

Vielfältige Möglichkeiten, "Tokyo Ghoul" in Deutschland anzusehen

Netflix basic with AdsNetflixHuluAmazon Prime Video

Wenn Sie in Deutschland sind und die beliebte Anime-Serie "Tokyo Ghoul" von 2014 streamen möchten, haben Sie verschiedene Möglichkeiten, dies zu tun. Hier sind einige Optionen:

Direktes Streaming über Crunchyroll

Wenn Sie Anime-Fan sind, haben Sie vielleicht schon von Crunchyroll gehört. Crunchyroll ist eine Streaming-Plattform, die eine breite Auswahl an Anime-Serien und Filmen bietet. In Deutschland können Sie "Tokyo Ghoul" über Crunchyroll streamen und so in den Genuss dieser fesselnden Geschichte gelangen.

Freischalten von "Tokyo Ghoul" in Deutschland mit ExpressVPN

Falls Sie bereits auf bestimmte Streaming-Dienste wie Amazon Prime, Hulu oder Netflix zugreifen können, werden Sie feststellen, dass "Tokyo Ghoul" in Deutschland möglicherweise nicht verfügbar ist. In diesem Fall kann Ihnen ein Virtual Private Network (VPN) wie ExpressVPN helfen, geografische Beschränkungen zu umgehen und Ihren Standort virtuell zu ändern.

Mit Hilfe von ExpressVPN können Sie beispielsweise Amazon Prime in Frankreich oder Hulu in den USA nutzen, um "Tokyo Ghoul" freizuschalten. Darüber hinaus bietet ExpressVPN auch die Möglichkeit, auf eine Vielzahl von Netflix-Bibliotheken zuzugreifen, einschließlich Belgien, Frankreich, Hongkong, Indien, Indonesien, Italien, Japan, Niederlande, Norwegen, Polen, Singapur, Südkorea, Spanien, Schweden und dem Vereinigten Königreich.

Falls Sie eine kostenlose Version von Netflix bevorzugen, steht Ihnen ExpressVPN auch zur Verfügung, um beispielsweise auf die Netflix-Versionen mit Werbung in Frankreich, Italien, Japan, Südkorea, Spanien und dem Vereinigten Königreich zuzugreifen. Auf diese Weise können Sie "Tokyo Ghoul" uneingeschränkt genießen.

Unabhängig davon, für welchen Streaming-Dienst Sie sich entscheiden oder welchen Weg Sie wählen, um "Tokyo Ghoul" in Deutschland zu streamen, lassen Sie sich von der packenden Handlung und den beeindruckenden Darbietungen der Schauspieler begeistern!

So können Sie Tokyo Ghoul heute in Deutschland sehen

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Tokyo Ghoul: Staffel 1

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Amid news reports of "Ghoul" attacks nearby, Ken Kaneki points out Rize, a girl he is interested in, to his friend Hide at a local coffee shop. When Kaneki discovers the two share a favorite author, he asks her out. However, their date ends in tragedy!

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Kaneki desperately fights the urge to eat human flesh, the only thing that can satisfy his hunger as a ghoul. He meets up with Hide again, joining him on an errand, and is glad for the companionship. But will his declining condition place Hide at risk?

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Yoshimura teaches Kaneki more about how to blend in with mankind, and takes in a mother and daughter needing protection. Two ghoul investigators, Mado and Amon, are assigned to the 20th Ward. In response, Toka takes Kaneki out to have a mask made for him.

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Kaneki starts receiving self-defense lessons from Yomo. He meets Itori, who runs her own bar, and is friends with Uta and Yomo. Kaneki is befriended by Tsukiyama, a ghoul who knew Rize, who also enjoys reading, and possesses other, more epicurean tastes.

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When Touka falls ill, Kaneki pays her a visit that has unexpected consequences. Meanwhile, as Nishiki is still recovering from his run-in with Kaneki, he is nearly preyed upon by other ghouls. Tsukiyama remains consumed with the idea of having Kaneki.

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The fight against Tsukiyama is resolved, but Touka wants to kill Kimi, now that it's clear she knows that Nishiki and Kaneki are ghouls. Meanwhile, Hinami is eager to see her father again after being apart for so long, and acts out when she is unable.

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After Kaneki and Hinami witness Ryoko's fate, the personnel at Anteiku are grieved, and Touka decides to take matters with the investigators into her own hands. Kaneki is fed up with not being able to do anything, and makes up his mind to become involved.

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Touka sets out to lure the ghoul investigators, but before she can strike, she finds that Hinami has run away. When Touka and Kaneki go out looking for her, they find themselves face to face with Amon and Mado, who has a few surprises of his own for them.

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After several weeks go by, everyone tries to return to their normal lives. Hinami moves in with Touka, and despite her aversion to birds, they nurse an injured cockatiel they name Hetare back to health. Kaneki visits Itori to try to learn more about Rize.

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The 11th Ward offices of CCG are attacked by ghouls, wiping everyone out. Banjo and company stop in at Anteiku, looking for Rize to warn her to flee from Aogiri Tree, a new group of ghouls bent on taking over-- until Kaneki accidentally knocks him out!

High Spirits
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High Spirits


Kaneki is held captive by Yamori, who practices his torturous craft on him. The police and CCG move in to deal with Aogiri Tree, who have made an 11th Ward shopping mall their headquarters. In all the commotion, the Anteiku team tries to rescue Kaneki.

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As Yamori continues to brutally torture Kaneki, Rize once again appears to him, and the two of them explore Kaneki's childhood and relationship with his mother. Kaneki is forced to make a choice that has a profound impact on him.

Tokyo Ghoul: Staffel 2

New Surge
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New Surge


Having defeated Jason and accepted his ghoul half, Kaneki joins Aogiri Tree to protect those close to him in Anteiku.

Dancing Flowers
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Dancing Flowers


Now with Kaneki at their ranks, the Aogiri Tree takes the offensive against the CCG, and Amon is introduced to Mado's daughter Akira, who is assigned to become his new partner.

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Kaneki and Ayato rescue Naki, one of Jason's old cohorts from CCG custody, and prepare to storm the maximum security prison for Ghouls known as "Cochlea". Meanwhile, Tōka pays a visit to the university were Kaneki used to attend, where she has an encounter with Hideyoshi.

Deeper Layers
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Deeper Layers


Aogiri commences their invasion of Cochlea and free a majority of the imprisoned ghouls while Amon and Akira visit the prison to learn more about Aogiri's plan from Donato Porpora. Amid the battles between the CCG, Cochlea security and ghouls, Kaneki meets a ghoul named Orca with orders to break him free, but is attacked by him instead.

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The battle at Cochlea intensifies on several fronts and when Ayato is to be almost killed, he is rescued in the nick of time by Kaneki, who undergoes a bizarre transformation after consuming the bodies of several dead Ghouls to empower himself.

Thousand Paths
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Thousand Paths


The appearance of the "One-Eyed-Ghoul", considered the most dangerous of them all, leaves the CCG in a state of alert while Kaneki writhes in pain due to his new condition.

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Worried about Kaneki's disappearance, Hinami wants to do something for him, but is uncertain about it, until Kaneki appears at Anteiku and she calls for Touka to see him again.

Old Nines
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Old Nines


During Kaneki's visit with Yoshimura, he asks for information about the Owl, and is told the tragic tale of a young ghoul named Kuzen. Touka makes plans to move out of Anteiku. A snowy day brings with it brisk business at the coffee shop.

City in Waiting
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City in Waiting


Yoshitoki is granted permission to execute the operation to eradicate the Owl. The many CCG officers involved in the mission take time beforehand to write any last words they might have, as the 20th Ward is cordoned off and its civilians evacuated.

Last Rain
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Last Rain


The battle between CCG and Anteiku continues, and Koma, Irimi, and Yoshimura each engage the special investigators. When a civilian gets caught in the middle, Hachikawa continues to press his attack unabated. Shinohara receives some unexpected advice.

Deluge of Flowers
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Deluge of Flowers


Suzuya is left to face the newly-arrived one-eyed Owl on his own. Aogiri Tree joins the battle against CCG, who find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer number of opponents. Meanwhile, Kaneki confronts Amon, who stands in his way to Anteiku.

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After waking up in Anteiku, he hears someone mention that "making coffee is difficult." When the person comes out, it is revealed to be Hide. By the time that Kaneki realises that he has his ghoul eye activated, Hide tells him "I Knew."

Tokyo Ghoul: Staffel 3

Those Who Hunt: Start
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Those Who Hunt: Start


The members of Quinx Squad, an experimental division of Akira Mado's CCG squad, and composed of investigators who have been surgically made part ghoul, work to track down the A-rated ghoul Torso.

Member: Fragments
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Member: Fragments


Haise loses control while fighting Orochi, and has to be subdued. Later at the Chateau, Haise berates Urie for not getting the squad to safety, and removes him from his squad captaincy. Urie seeks to increase his power.

fresh: Eve
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fresh: Eve


Urie speaks to Chief Washu about having his Frame level increased. With a mission coming up, the Quinxes try to get Saiko to come to work. Donato asks Haise about his missing memories. The squad goes undercover.

MAIN: Auction
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MAIN: Auction


The Clowns act as auctioneers for a human auction, in which Mutsuki finds himself embroiled. CCG forces surround the complex in which the auction is being held, with orders to exterminate the ghouls inside--especially Big Madam.

Press: Night of Scattering
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Press: Night of Scattering


The Quinx Squad rushes to save Mutsuki from Kanae. The Owl goes on a seemingly unstoppable rampage. Urie is frustrated when he is assigned escort duty. Ato Squad meets resistance trying to secure the monitor room.

turn: In the End
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turn: In the End


Takizawa continues his offensive against Haise on the main stage. Shirazu tries to get Saiko to help him subdue Nutcracker in the monitor room. Urie pursues Big Madam, and feels the effects of his increased Frame level.

mind: Days of Recollections
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mind: Days of Recollections


Haise asks Arima to allow him to take custody of Hinami, and the remaining ghouls retreat. Following an awards ceremony where many of the investigators are promoted, Haise hosts a celebratory dinner at the Chateau.

Take: The One That Wriggles
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Take: The One That Wriggles


Tsukiyama's condition worsens. Tatara and Ayato argue about rescuing Hinami. Shirazu finds it difficult to take possession of the Nutcracker quinque. Quinx Squad begins a new joint investigation with S1 Squad.

Play: Ghost
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Play: Ghost


Having seen a photo of Haise, Tsukiyama bounces back and races to see him. Haise takes the rest of the squad to Uta's shop to be fitted for masks. Kijima releases a shocking video on the CCG website to draw Rose out.

Think: Wavering
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Think: Wavering


Eto drops in on a defeated Kanae, offering to help. Shirazu decides he needs to make a fresh start. Ui finally consents to Haise's idea of an undercover fact-finding mission. Haise grows frustrated probing into his past.

Write: Failure
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Write: Failure


Matsumae and Mairo try to hold off the investigators long enough for Shu to escape. Haise and Shu face each other on the building's helipad. Quinx Squad has their hands full when a powerful ghoul stands in their way.

Beautiful Dream: Dawn
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Beautiful Dream: Dawn


Eto arrives on the rooftop, spurring Kanae to attack Haise, who must also reason with Kaneki. With the other squad members on the ropes, Shirazu goes all-out to stop Noro. Kanae and Tsukiyama reach an understanding.

Tokyo Ghoul: Staffel 4

Place: And So, Once Again
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Place: And So, Once Again


CCG locates Aogiri Tree's headquarters. Hinami's execution is scheduled. Takatsuki's editor is questioned over whether or not she is a ghoul. Before Takatsuki can be questioned, however, she makes a stunning public announcement.

VOLT: White Darkness
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VOLT: White Darkness


Ayato leads a raiding party on Cochlea to rescue Hinami, He is joined by Touka and Yomo. Haise tries to get Hinami to safety, but is confronted by Furuta. As the others flee through the basement, Haise confronts Arima.

union: Close Game
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union: Close Game


CCG's assault on Aogiri Tree on Rushima Island continues, and Urie and Saiko are anxious to rescue Mutsuki. Tatara and Kurona both make their stands against the investigators. Akira receives help from a surprise source.

vive: Those Left Behind
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vive: Those Left Behind


As the fighting on Rushima reaches its climax, Akira makes a fateful decision. Urie, together with the new members of the Quinx Squad, continue their search for Mutsuki. Arima makes a startling revelation to Kaneki.

MovE: Confluence, Confusion
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MovE: Confluence, Confusion


Kaneki assembles the remaining Aogiri Tree and Anteiku members to announce the creation of a new ghoul organization. Akira's course of treatment takes a surprise turn. Yomo and Touka both try to make peace with their past.

FACE: Effulgence
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FACE: Effulgence


The CCG investigators that were close to Haise react to his leaving. Furuta takes over as the head of the CCG, and sets forth a new strategy to deal with the ghouls. The Clowns begin to riot, threatening CCG Headquarters.

proof: Bonds
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proof: Bonds


Under Furuta, CCG cracks down hard on the ghoul community, forcing Goat to go underground. Takeomi and Yoriko set a wedding date. Mutsuki locates Kaneki and invites him back. Touka takes the next step with Kaneki.

incarnation: Awakened Child
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incarnation: Awakened Child


Mutsuki leads the Oggais in a raid on Goat's underground lair. Urie and Kuroiwa confront Furuta in his office over his fitness to lead. Kaneki and Suzuya face each other in combat. Kaneki goes to drastic lengths to protect Touka.

morse: Remembrances
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morse: Remembrances


As Dr. Kanou visits his family's gravesite, Kurona confronts him. CCG gains a new ally and expert on ghouls. Hide enlists the help of Akira and Amon to plead his case to CCG. A despondent Mutsuki lashes out at Saiko and Urie.

call: The Far Side of Tragedy
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call: The Far Side of Tragedy


While Kaneki's body lies dormant in its giant kagune, he has an inner dialogue with Rize. Urie talks to Mutsuki about the hardships of going it alone. A crisis places the city on alert, forcing CCG and the ghouls to work together.

ACT: Encounters
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ACT: Encounters


Following increasing dragon activity and the discovery of a second core, Kaneki and Ayato volunteer to go and deal with it. When Kaiko and the members of V launch an attack, CCG and the ghouls must fight together to stop them.

The Final Episode
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The Final Episode


Kaneki and Furuta continue their duel below the streets of Tokyo, as CCG and Goat jointly continue fighting the members of V aboveground. Kaneki comes to terms with the events of the last several years.

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Folge 13

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