
Lo sentimos, Identities no está disponible en Netflix España . Verificamos Netflix cientos de veces al día, por lo que puede volver a consultar periódicamente para ver cuándo aparece para la transmisión.

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'Identities' is a feature length documentary, charting the multi coloured, multi cultural transgender community in Ireland. Five personal stories illustrate and give shape to the different but parallel worlds of Transvestism, Transsexualism, Drag, Homosexuality, Sex, Sexual identity, and Gender Dysphoria. The film unfolds as fly on the wall footage introduces us to the world of each character. Their incredible stories are documented in a series of revealing interviews, each narrative preceded by a performance art piece, and more abstract self-representation. Personal histories charting hardship, rejection and discrimination will be placed in a wider social, political and religious context through these characters' personal experiences. At its heart, this is a film about the human spirit. Overcoming stereotype and categorization, we break down the gender construct, allowing personality and human emotion a path to expression.

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