Last Chance U

Disponible en Netflix España

Sí, Last Chance U ya está disponible en España Netflix. Llegó para transmisión en línea el January 20, 2022

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En un docuseries ubicado en uno de los campos de reclutamiento más fértiles de la NCAA, los muchachos con banderas rojas buscan demostrar su valía en el campo y en la clase.

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Becca Zimmerman
Becca Zimmerman


Last Chance U: Temporada 1

Last Chance U
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Last Chance U


Desperate for an opportunity at a major school, the players at East Mississippi Community College prepare for a season that's crucial to their future.

Most Dangerous Game
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Most Dangerous Game


The starting quarterback battle rages on. Brittany worries about the players' academic progress. EMCC's winning streak is threatened by a rival.

Plan B
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Plan B


The coaches and players deal with unfamiliar adversity. DJ and others struggle with school. Ollie faces tough times and seeks comfort back home.

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Players, other students and the community prepare for homecoming weekend. Tensions rise at the homecoming game, prompting Buddy to lose his cool.

Blood Makes the Grass Grow
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Blood Makes the Grass Grow


DJ faces choices that will make or break his future. John hopes for a chance to impress Auburn coaches. Bad blood builds in the regular-season finale.

It Is What It Is
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It Is What It Is


The regular season comes to an explosive end, and the team must deal with the fallout from their actions. The players prepare for life after EMCC.

Last Chance U: Temporada 2

Half a Team
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Half a Team


Buddy makes changes in response to the publicity the show brought to the EMCC program. The Lions are forced to play short-handed in the season opener.

Football Saved My Life
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Football Saved My Life


De'Andre gears up for his first game since he was kicked out of Florida State. Isaiah and his brother open up about their difficult childhood.

Can't Make the Club in the Tub
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Can't Make the Club in the Tub


Brittany and Davern try to motivate Kam on and off the field. Isaiah's health concerns continue into a rivalry game against Itawamba.

Ain't It a Sin
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Ain't It a Sin


Faith takes center stage as Buddy, Dakota and others explore the role of religion in their football journey. A much-awaited rematch approaches.

For My Momma
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For My Momma


As EMCC prepares for the No. 1 team in the country, defensive linemen Chauncey, Kam and Tim continue their battle to atone for their past actions.

The Curse
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The Curse


EMCC hopes to maintain its focus against winless Coahoma, a program trying to overcome a deficiency in talent, facilities and support.

Bigger and Better Things
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Bigger and Better Things


As the state playoffs loom, tensions rise between several players and the coaches. Brittany ponders her future at EMCC.

Last Man Standing
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Last Man Standing


It's crunch time as the players take finals and weigh scholarship offers while still holding aspirations of winning a national championship at EMCC.

Last Chance U: Temporada 3

We Expect
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We Expect


After decades of losing, Independence Community College looks to brash coach Jason Brown to develop a winning culture and recruit talented athletes.

Humble Your Pie
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Humble Your Pie


After the rough season opener, Coach Brown questions his D1 transfers. Malik and Carlos face tough love as they fight to meet expectations.

Jimmys and Joes
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Jimmys and Joes


Bad blood with his old boss fuels Brown's fire as the newly confident Pirates welcome defending national champion Garden City to Independence.

Get Outta Dodge
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Get Outta Dodge


Despite ICC's winning streak, tensions start to boil over as Brown gets fed up with his players and coaches before and during a game in Dodge City.

Out of State
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Out of State


Brown and his players open up about their upbringings and how their relationships with family -- positive and negative -- shaped who they are today.

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The team prepares to play during the town's big annual festival. Bobby struggles to overcome frustration. An ICC student writes a song for the team.

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Episodio 7

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Dust in The Wind
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Dust in The Wind


As a game against rival Coffeyville caps off the regular season, the ICC players and coaches reflect on the season and weigh their next moves.

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Episodio 9

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Last Chance U: Temporada 4

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Episodio 1

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Episodio 2

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Episodio 3

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Episodio 4

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Episodio 5

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Episodio 6

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Episodio 7

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Episodio 8

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No hay descripción disponible.

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Episodio 9

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Last Chance U: Temporada 5

The Town
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The Town


Life is demanding for players at Oakland's Laney College, where they must pay for their own housing and expenses while pursuing a future in football.

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After 40 years, coach John Beam's legacy in Oakland is unmatched. Injuries lead to an unorthodox solution at QB as Laney looks to get back on track.

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Dior's strained relationship with his father affects his play and his health. Nu'u balances school, football and childcare while his wife works.

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RJ lives for football, but is haunted by an infamous family history. Beam's old school ways don't always connect with the younger generation.

The City
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The City


Rejzohn discusses a painful memory, then suffers a physical setback. Despite recent success, Laney still feels disrespected by a rival in San Francisco.

Ā, upane! ka upane!
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Ā, upane! ka upane!


As Dior looks for a way out of California, Beam questions if Nu'u could commit to moving his family away from Oakland. RJ's frustrations mount.

New Oakland
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New Oakland


Gentrification in Oakland brings some positive changes, but pushes longtime residents out of the city. The Eagles begin a late push for a playoff bid.

Football might be over for you
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Football might be over for you


As the season winds down, the graduating players plan their next moves while Beam pledges to make changes and build an even better team next year.

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