
Lo sentimos, ஐகாட் no está disponible en Netflix USA . Verificamos Netflix cientos de veces al día, por lo que puede volver a consultar periódicamente para ver cuándo aparece para la transmisión.

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Set in the early 1990’s, a critical period in Malaysian Indian history, the story subtly underlines the plight of the Indian Malaysians. Forsaken by the estate owners who had employed them for generations and systematically marginalized, they are forced to move to the cities and survive under harsh circumstances. Left out of the nation’s urbanization and development plans, many live in squatters and work at minimum wage jobs…


Karnan G. Crack
Karnan G. Crack
Tinesh Sarathi Krishnan
Tinesh Sarathi Krishnan
Kuben Mahadevan
Kuben Mahadevan
Senthil Kumaran Muniandy
Senthil Kumaran Muniandy

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