La facción Octubre

Disponible en Netflix EE. UU.

Sí, La facción Octubre ya está disponible en Estados Unidos Netflix. Llegó para transmisión en línea el January 20, 2022

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El drama familiar se vuelve terrorífico: los padres, Fred y Deloris, cazan monstruos, y los gemelos Viv y Geoff ocultan sus propios secretos.

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Michelle Nolden
Michelle Nolden
Tamara Taylor
Tamara Taylor
J.C. MacKenzie
J.C. MacKenzie
Aurora Dawson-Hunte
Aurora Dawson-Hunte
Gabriel Darku
Gabriel Darku
Maxim Roy
Maxim Roy
Stephen McHattie
Stephen McHattie
Megan Follows
Megan Follows
Praneet Akilla
Praneet Akilla


La facción Octubre: Temporada 1

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Nothing’s as scary as the specters of the past -- or ugly antiques. The Allens find out as much when a patriarch’s passing brings them home.

No Country for Old Vamps
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No Country for Old Vamps


A thirst for revenge bonds Fred and Deloris. But what fuels a mystery woman's bloody travels? At school, Viv and Geoff begin to test their limits.

The Horror Out of Time
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The Horror Out of Time


As night falls, Deloris -- and Fred -- get into trouble. Later, the "parents of the year" track their prey. Viv uncovers more about her powers.

Soirees of Future Past
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Soirees of Future Past


Geoff’s seeing ghosts, but that doesn’t stop him from throwing a big blowout when Deloris and Fred leave town -- and opening the door to danger.

Truth and Consequences
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Truth and Consequences


The dust settles after the rager, leaving Geoff and Viv seething over their parents' lies. The search is on for the intruder, but who’s hunting whom?

Open Your Eyes
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Open Your Eyes


A deadly crew enters the scene, ushering in a series of shocking developments. Viv shields her strange new friend while Phillip tries out the truth.

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Fred faces Seth’s killer and strikes an unprecedented deal to battle the blood magic. In the meantime, Viv and Geoff get to know their kidnapper.

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Alice recalls a time she opened up to a friend and the gut-wrenching moment her world was violently torn apart. Geoff and Viv discover their origins.

Bonds of Blood
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Bonds of Blood


All things hidden are revealed. Alice takes her revenge, Fred and Deloris get a taste of monstrous pain, and Viv and Geoff feel their strength.

The October Faction
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The October Faction


Gate Night goes sideways, unlikely alliances form, and the twins must join forces when Presidio cracks down -- and the entire town faces obliteration.

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