When We Are Born

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WHEN WE ARE BORN is a unique live performance film that tells a touching and thoroughly human story based in part on Ólafur’s life. Filmed on location in Iceland in summer 2020, it features the contributions of an unparalleled creative collective including ground-breaking choreographer Erna Ómarsdóttir, the Iceland Dance Company and cinematographer Thor Eliasson. The music in the film builds upon Ólafur’s critically praised new album ‘some kind of peace’ and was performed and recorded live on set, representing a constant cinematic conversation between picture and music. Vincent Moon’s intimate cinematic vision brings this layered metaphorical world to life as we see Ólafur’s music manifested and symbolised all around him through set design, lighting and dance. Through themes of rituals, relationships and exploration of our inner landscapes, this is a film focused on how we all move forward.


Ólafur Arnalds
Ólafur Arnalds
Sandrayati Fay
Sandrayati Fay

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