Alice the Whaler

Lo sentimos, Alice the Whaler no está disponible en Netflix USA . Verificamos Netflix cientos de veces al día, por lo que puede volver a consultar periódicamente para ver cuándo aparece para la transmisión.

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Alice is dancing aboard her ship with a veritable zoo of a crew. Meanwhile, in the galley, the chef (a cat) is preparing food while his assistant, a mouse, is peeling potatoes. When the chef complains that they need eggs, the mouse is enlisted to retrieve them from the crow's nest. The birds there give him a rough time, but he's eventually able to capture one and strong-arm three eggs out of it. When he returns, though, he finds the chef now wants some milk, and so he's off to find the ship's goat, with similar comedic results.


Lois Hardwick
Lois Hardwick

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