I Survived a Zombie Apocalypse

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I Survived a Zombie Apocalypse is a horror-themed game show set in the future after a nationwide epidemic has transformed most of the country's population into ravenous zombies. The contestants have to survive in the Monroe Shopping Village and need to work together to secure their makeshift base as they try and avoid any contact with the flesh-eaters. Anybody still “alive” after seven days is then rescued and sent to a tropical quarantine zone as a reward.


Cristina Comas
Cristina Comas
Fiona Mundy
Fiona Mundy
Adrian Barber
Adrian Barber


I Survived a Zombie Apocalypse: Temporada 1

Episode 1
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Episode 1


The contestants have to survive in the Monroe Shopping Village and need to work together to secure their makeshift base as they try and avoid any contact with the flesh-eaters. Anybody still “alive” after seven days is then rescued and sent to a tropical quarantine zone as a reward.

Episode 2
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Episode 2


An electrical storm late at night causes a security malfunction at the base.

Episode 3
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Episode 3


The survival horror-themed game show continues as the group comes to terms with the past day's events. Two members are killed by zombies while out on a mission, and a freak electrical storm leaves the base flooded and in chaos. Later, some of the group try to find supplies to repair the damage, but three of them become trapped at the other side of the compound and their only chance of survival is to risk their lives one by one.

Episode 4
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Episode 4


The remaining survivors struggle to deal with further deaths. Meanwhile, three strangers arrive at the compound searching for refuge, but fear, tension and paranoia put the entire group on edge.

Episode 5
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Episode 5


The group grows suspicious of a new arrival. Meanwhile, the survivors must work together when their supplies begin to run low and they are forced to venture out into the compound.

Episode 6
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Episode 6


Greg James presents as the survivors come face to face with a ferocious and deadly zombie known as the abomination - just 48 hours before they are rescued. However, they discover the only way to stop it from running havoc within the compound is for the survivors to turn on each other.

Episode 7
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Episode 7


The remaining survivors prepare to be rescued on the final day, but must first face their toughest challenge yet when they are forced to go on the run within the compound after zombies find a way into the base. The army helicopter continues to move closer to the site, but the group must battle past the horde to escape.

Episode 8
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Episode 8


The survivors who managed to escape the horrors of the Monroe Shopping Centre are given a chance to reflect on their ordeal, looking back at the highs and lows of their experience, and sharing their views on what it takes to stay "alive" during a zombie apocalypse.

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