The Investigator: A British Crime Story

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Mark Williams-Thomas returns to ITV for an explosive and ground-breaking new investigative series that shows how real life crime can be far more compelling than fiction. The murder of Carole Packman, whose body has never been found, continues to affect the lives of many of those involved and as Williams-Thomas discovers, the shocking tale of murder, fraud, deceit and lies has left family members desperate for answers. In a UK television first, The Investigator: A British Crime Story, will follow the case over four explosive episodes, combining stylized drama with compelling documentary.


Rick Warden
Rick Warden
Tanya Winsor
Tanya Winsor
Frances Millar
Frances Millar
Alice Harding
Alice Harding
Jason Allen
Jason Allen
Ayse Jamieson
Ayse Jamieson


The Investigator: A British Crime Story: Temporada 1

Episode 1
Desbloqueable en las Bermudas

Episode 1


Mark Williams-Thomas re-investigates the disappearance of Carole Packman. With the help of neighbours and friends, he retraces Carole's last known steps

Episode 2
Desbloqueable en las Bermudas

Episode 2


“This time, I’m combining three roles - investigator, reporter and presenter. That means I’m able to explain and unpick threads of evidence as they unfold for viewers, interview protagonists face-to-face, and make the narrative of the story clear.", said Mark Williams-Thomas. My profile since the Jimmy Savile programme has meant I am approached by people from all over the world to help investigate cases. Some have been unsolved, some have resulted in conviction, and they involve a variety of things - missing people, sexual offences, possible miscarriages of justice, even murders. Yet the reason for every contact is the same - those people want to find out the truth."

Episode 3
Desbloqueable en las Bermudas

Episode 3


Mark Williams-Thomas re-investigates the disappearance of Carole Packman. Mark uncovers a series of letters in which Sam's father speaks for the first time about what happened.

Episode 4
Desbloqueable en las Bermudas

Episode 4


“I have investigated many murders and they all have some strange aspects to them when you start digging," said Mark William-Thomas, “But I have never investigated a case that has so many twists and turns like this one. At times it’s hard to believe it’s a real case and not something out of an Agatha Christie novel."

The Investigator: A British Crime Story: Temporada 2

Episode 1
Desbloqueable en las Bermudas

Episode 1


No hay descripción disponible.

Episode 2
Desbloqueable en las Bermudas

Episode 2


No hay descripción disponible.

Episode 3
Desbloqueable en las Bermudas

Episode 3


No hay descripción disponible.

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