Divine Gate

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La leyenda de la puerta divina es una historia contada a los niños pequeños que representa la fusión del mundo viviente, el cielo y el inframundo. "Adaptadores": personas que nacen con habilidades elementales únicas dotado a ellos a partir de la unión de estos mundos-formaron el Consejo Mundial, una organización que controla el caos de la Puerta al presentar su leyenda como nada más que un mito. Estos adaptadores se entrenan en una academia especial de propiedad del Consejo Mundial que permite a los estudiantes a mejorar sus habilidades. Aoto, un adolescente con poderes excepcionales de agua y un pasado trágico, rechaza la oferta de unirse a la academia en numerosas ocasiones, hasta que se presionó con éxito por el usuario energético viento Midori y el usuario incendios obstinada Akane. Juntos, con el Consejo Mundial y su misterioso líder Arthur, buscan la puerta con la esperanza de descubrir la verdad. Sin embargo, con el fin de alcanzar sus objetivos, deben unirse y superar su propia desesperación al tratar con el mal detrás de la escena.


Mikaela Krantz
Mikaela Krantz
J. Michael Tatum
J. Michael Tatum
Alexis Tipton
Alexis Tipton
Joel McDonald
Joel McDonald
Patrick Mölleken
Patrick Mölleken
Chris Burnett
Chris Burnett
Chuck Huber
Chuck Huber
Michelle Lee
Michelle Lee
Monica Rial
Monica Rial
Austin Tindle
Austin Tindle


Divine Gate: Temporada 1

Endless Rain
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Endless Rain


On one rainy day, an Adapter attacks the passengers on a tram. Luckily, Aoto, another Adapter who was at the scene, stops him with his ability. Akane and Midori are ordered by the Academy to recruit Aoto, but they hear a disturbing rumor about him.

Inextinguishable Flame
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Inextinguishable Flame


For Akane, his father meant the world, so he cannot understand why Aoto would kill his own parents. However, Aoto does not share his story either. The colliding two run into each other later, when a patrol Driver suddenly starts to malfunction.

Where the Wind Went
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Where the Wind Went


The memory of her and her friend is the reason why Midori pursues the Divine Gate. When Arthur announced that they will start the search of the Divine Gate, Midori has mixed feelings; She wants to find the answer to her question, but she is also afraid.

Blue Memory
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Blue Memory


Concerned about Aoto's emotional disconnect, Akane and Midori look him up on the academy server, but his information were classified. Determined, the two steal Undine's access pass and finds out that Aoto is a suspect of the Blue Christmas massacre.

The Defiers
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The Defiers


Akane and the team go to an abandoned section for special training. During the latter part of their training, they meet a group called "The Defiers." Hybrid of human and animals, they have super strengths, and begins attacking Akane and the team.

More Important Than Yourself
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More Important Than Yourself


Arthur finally decides to go find the Divine Gate. He asks the members of the Knights of Rounds as well as the select few from the Academy to join him on this expedition. However, Loki and Oz set out on their own mission as well in response.

Where It Began
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Where It Began


Lead by Arthur, the Knights of Round and the Adapters from the Academy head for the Divine Gate. Arthur explains that his wish is to destroy the Gate and return the world to its original state. However, Loki and Oz stand in their way to stop them.

Two Paths
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Two Paths


Akane and the team were able to escape the collapsing Divine Gate, but Arthur has gone missing and the World Council has imposed a martial law to find everyone. Meanwhile, Loki joins the Geniuses of Divine and has something else up his sleeve.

The Divine Play
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The Divine Play


Akane, Midori, and Aoto are separated from their advisers and magically find themselves acting in a play, conspired by Loki and Shakespeare. As they are forced to play their part, they each meet someone who they've been looking for...

The Key to the Gate
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The Key to the Gate


After escaping Shakespeare's divine play, Akane, Midori, and Aoto find themselves inside the zone. Aoto already holds the key to the Gate, but Akane and Midori do not. Unfortunately, Loki already has that figured out, and great tragedy awaits the two.

Your Name…
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Your Name…


With "despair" being the key to the Divine Gate, both Akane and Midori's loss of their significant person tragically gives them access to the Gate as well. However, Aoto is up for more despair as he faces his twin brother, Ariton.

Beyond the Gate
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Beyond the Gate


Led by the spirit of the key, Akane, Midori, and Aoto reaches the front of the Gate. There, the Key gives them the option to choose their own fate. However, they quickly learn that the Divine Gate is much more than just something that grants wishes...

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