April Apocalypse

Désolé, April Apocalypse n'est pas disponible sur Netflix France . Nous vérifions Netflix des centaines de fois par jour, vous pouvez donc vérifier régulièrement quand il apparaît pour le streaming.

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Artie is pure bred trailer trash. He has zero ambition, is everyone's favorite punching back at school and bears the burden of his virginity in silence. And then April moves out of the state. She's his best friend and support since kindergarten and the love of his life. Three years later Artie finally has the courage to take to the road and go see April to tell her how he feels about her. One car-crash later Artie wakes up in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. But this time he's not going to hide. Artie's love for April doesn't give him wings, but does give him the courage to hack, slash, punch and kick himself a part towards the girl he loves. Time is of the essence, because that bite on his hand will make the difference between a French kiss and a bite out of April's brains.


Reece Thompson
Reece Thompson
Rebekah Brandes
Rebekah Brandes
Brent Tarnol
Brent Tarnol
Stephanie Hunt
Stephanie Hunt

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