Murder Unboxed

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Witness the unboxing of real case evidence while hearing from the actual investigators, prosecutors, and witnesses. Full of twists and turns, each episode will connect the dots of seemingly unrelated evidence to tell the story of what happened.


Alison James
Alison James


Murder Unboxed: Saison 1

Death and Taxes
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Death and Taxes


Tax attorney Ashley Pollow's body is discovered locked away in his storm shelter. For investigators it becomes a game of find the keys, find the killer.

Three's a Crowd
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Three's a Crowd


Home invasion or homicide? The answer may lie between the pages of an adult magazine.

Short Term Lease
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Short Term Lease


When Charles Clark put an ad up looking for a roommate, he had no idea what kind of danger would wander through his front door.

See No Evil
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See No Evil


The Bradfords were involved in a messy divorce. But when one of them ends up dead, things are about to get a whole lot messier.

Killer Party
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Killer Party


Tyler Hadley’s friends thought they were in for a wild night of partying. They had no idea what was waiting behind a bedroom door.

No Good Deed
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No Good Deed


When a kind-hearted and generous couple is found slain inside their home, could the killer be someone they’ve helped in the past?

The Devil You Know
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The Devil You Know


Christina Eubanks was a creature of habit. When she missed her nightly call with her boyfriend, it was clear there was something wrong.

Bury The Hatchet
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Bury The Hatchet


The scene in Richard Byrd’s peaceful cabin turns out to be anything but. To solve his murder, investigators start with a suspect who may have had a grudge against him.

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