A Wolf in Sheik's Clothing

Lo sentimos, A Wolf in Sheik's Clothing no está disponible en Netflix Italia . Verificamos Netflix cientos de veces al día, por lo que puede volver a consultar periódicamente para ver cuándo aparece para la transmisión.

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Popeye and Olive are riding a camel in Arabia. They stop to fill the camel with water and freshen up a bit; Olive muses aloud that she'd like to kiss a sheik. A sheik, looking a lot like Bluto, happens to overhear this and sets up a kissing booth. He carries her away to his luxurious tent. Popeye finally finishes up and notices Olive is gone; he chases after her, but his camel suffers a blowout. Meanwhile, the sheik has been wooing Olive. Popeye arrives, and after briefly sharing the hookah with the sheik, tries to leave with Olive. The sheik will have none of it; he wraps Popeye like a mummy and fires him with a cannon into the sphinx. Fortuitously, there's a can of spinach inside, and Popeye saves the day.


Jackson Beck
Jackson Beck
Jack Mercer
Jack Mercer
Mae Questel
Mae Questel

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