Red Balloon

Lo sentimos, Red Balloon no está disponible en Netflix Italia . Verificamos Netflix cientos de veces al día, por lo que puede volver a consultar periódicamente para ver cuándo aparece para la transmisión.

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A young female babysitter is chatting to her friend when the young girl she's watching disturbs her. She hangs up the phone and goes upstairs to investigate. She finds her screaming and standing up on her bed but can't find anything wrong. She calms the child down and goes back down stairs. This happens several times but things get more ominous and creepy as the babysitter has to investigate the supposedly safe little bedroom.


Chantal Eder
Chantal Eder
Taryn Kay
Taryn Kay
Gareth Bennett-Ryan
Gareth Bennett-Ryan
Rachel Bright
Rachel Bright

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