Loin de chez nous

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At the end of 2012, France announced the withdrawal of its troops from Afghanistan after a decade of war. All the soldiers are happy with this news, except one unit, the Black Cats. Led by Chief Sergeant Dostali, the group will do everything to delay their repatriation for several weeks. The motivation for this choice is still obscure and is thwarted by the arrival of a French journalist, who came to cover the return of the troops. The story takes another turn when one of the black Cats suddenly disappears.


Fabrice Scott
Fabrice Scott
Blaise Ba
Blaise Ba
Bastien Bernini
Bastien Bernini
Damien Bonnard
Damien Bonnard
Charlie Bruneau
Charlie Bruneau
Olivier Charasson
Olivier Charasson
Arthur Defays
Arthur Defays
Gwendolyn Gourvenec
Gwendolyn Gourvenec
Grégory Montel
Grégory Montel

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