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The Lost Daughter (2021)

January 26, 2022 Logo Netflix Logo Tmdb Logo IMDb Logo Rotten Tomatoes Logo Metacritic Logo

Olivia Coleman. That’s it. She’s everything. I am such a fan of her work so it is no surprise that I absolutely loved her latest offering, The Lost Daughter. I am not alone in my feelings about this psychological thriller that centers around the complexities of motherhood; there is Oscar buzz for Ms. Coleman once again.

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The story is set at a resort town in Greece, where a middle-aged university professor on holiday is drawn into the dynamics of a family who lives and, seemingly, runs the town. When Nina’s (Dakota Johnson) daughter goes missing on the beach, Leda (Olivia Coleman) joins the search for the child. Before long, Leda finds the missing girl and returns her to her family. What should have been a happy end to an unfortunate happening becomes the beginning of a disturbing connection between the two women.

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Nina bumps into and searches out Leda several times in the days following the loss of her daughter. Each time the two have an awkwardly personal exchange about their lives and their experiences as mothers. And each time their lives get a little more linked together. The mystery of Leda’s past and the fate of her daughters unfolds through a series of flashbacks triggered by the encounters with Nina.

On the surface a film about the mixed emotions of mothering may sound like a bit of a snooze but the reality is far more dark and mysterious. Leda becomes fixated on Nina and her young daughter and consumed by memories of her own early years of mothering. There is an underlying darkness and growing despair to the memories that are triggered and the pacing, score and cinematography of the film all add to the suspense and increasing dread of the story.

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Written and directed by Maggie Gyllenhaal, The Lost Daughter is based on a novel of the same name by Elena Ferrante. Gyllenhaal knocked her debut as a director and screenwriter out of the park. The movie premiered at Venice International Film Festival in September of 2021 where it received a four minute long standing ovation. Since then, the film and its leading ladies, both on screen and behind the camera, have been nominated for multiple awards. And with the Oscars just around the corner we can be sure to see this lot on many lists.

Image Courtesy of TMDb

Be sure to check out The Lost Daughter and watch the divine and delightful Olivia Coleman work her magic on screen once again. See you at the Oscars, again, Ms Coleman!

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