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Zodiac (2007)

May 26, 2021 Logo Netflix Logo Tmdb Logo IMDb Logo Rotten Tomatoes Logo Metacritic Logo

In the summer of 1969, a San Francisco journalist begins receiving cryptic messages that link back to terrifying unsolved attacks in the area, some resulting in murder. The killer becomes known as The Zodiac.

a photograph of an original letter mailed to the newspaper by the killer
Image Courtesy of TMDb

Adapted from a 1986 non-fiction account by the same name by Robert Graysmith, Zodiac is the tale of the hunt for the notorious killer and the team who were relentless in their pursuit. This dramatized crime thriller is chock full of talent with Jake Gyllenhaal, Robert Downey Jr and Mark Ruffalo pulling lead rolls as the journalists and police detective who took the lead on this case. Other heavy hitters like Brian Cox, Donal Logue, Chloe Sevigny and Anthony Edwards join the cast in supporting roles.

Two men talking on the street
Image Courtesy of TMDb

The film follows the ebb and flow of the case over a span of nearly 15 years. As the body count piles up, investigators and journalists work sometimes together and sometimes at odds to trace and track the notorious yet illusive killer. In the end, the case remains open and officially unsolved yet there is enough evidence and speculation to keep the viewers on the edge of their seats!

While dialogue heavy, the film is paced well enough to cause a fair bit of anxiety for the viewer throughout. The attention to detail and historical fact is impressive as is the recreation of the 1970s vibe. Each actor is committed to unpretentious truth in this telling of this famous mystery which adds to the film’s sense of realism.

two men sitting at desks in a 1970s newspaper office
Image Courtesy of TMDb

Upon it’s release, Zodiac experienced a decent level of success and a good surge of support from viewers and critics alike. It cracked most of the Top Ten lists for movie watchers in 2007 and received a slew of nominations for Best Film, Best Screenplay and Best Director among others.

And if all of that hasn’t sold you on this dreadfully wonderful crime flick, Zodiac has one of the best soundtracks going. All in, this is a superb film for the crime picture addict, in fact, I’d call it a must-see for the aficionado of this genre. Don’t miss it.

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