
Lo sentimos, Pitruroon no está disponible en Netflix Panamá . Verificamos Netflix cientos de veces al día, por lo que puede volver a consultar periódicamente para ver cuándo aparece para la transmisión.

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In today's urban Indian lifestyle where more relationships seem idealistic and flawless, an archaeologist encounters his look alike and the disturbing past of the look alike's aging mother in rural Maharashtra. But was his father responsible for the plight of this old woman. The film is an emotional story of a romance failed by a cruel twist of fate, a confrontation of shattered family values and rebuilding of human bonds.


Poorvi Bhave
Poorvi Bhave
Suhas Joshi
Suhas Joshi
Sachin Khedekar
Sachin Khedekar
Omkar Kulkarni
Omkar Kulkarni

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