Kill la Kill

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Die Suche nach dem Mörder ihres Vaters führt die Schülerin Ryuuko, Trägerin eines scherenförmigen Schwerts, zur Honnouji Akademie, die unter dem gnadenlosen Regime der Schulsprecherin Satsuki steht. Um die Wahrheit zu erfahren, muss sie es mit Eliteschülern aufnehmen, deren spezielle Schuluniformen ihnen übernatürliche Macht verleihen. Ryuuko bleibt nichts anderes übrig, als selbst in eine solche Uniform zu schlüpfen und Kräfte zu entfesseln, von denen sie nie zu träumen wagte.


Ayumi Fujimura
Ayumi Fujimura
Ami Koshimizu
Ami Koshimizu
Aya Suzaki
Aya Suzaki
Toshihiko Seki
Toshihiko Seki
Shin'ichirô Miki
Shin'ichirô Miki
Matthew Mercer
Matthew Mercer
Erica Mendez
Erica Mendez
Christine Marie Cabanos
Christine Marie Cabanos
David Vincent
David Vincent
Ryôka Yuzuki
Ryôka Yuzuki


Kill la Kill: Staffel 1

If Only I Had Thorns Like A Thistle
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If Only I Had Thorns Like A Thistle


Ryuko Matoi arrives at Honnoji Academy and faces off with its boxing champion. Beaten at first, she finds a suit that gives her powers and odds turn in her favour.

So Sexy She Might Pass Out
Freischaltbar in Argentinien

So Sexy She Might Pass Out


Ryuko stays over at Mako's home. She later goes up against the tennis champion of Honnoji.

Freischaltbar in Argentinien



Satsuki, the student council president at Honnoji, decides to use her family uniform Junketsu against Ryuko.

Dawn of a Miserable Morning
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Dawn of a Miserable Morning


Ryuko is faced with "No-Late Day", an event where students must navigate a trap-filled obstacle course to reach school on time, or else they will be expelled.

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A mysterious sniper named Tsumugu Kinagase attempts to assassinate Ryuko, but is hampered by the various clubs that try to defeat Ryuko.

Don't Toy Me on a Whim
Freischaltbar in Argentinien

Don't Toy Me on a Whim


While Ryuko tries to find out more about Tsumugu, she must face a student council member who has super-speed and can read all her moves.

A Loser I Can't Hate
Freischaltbar in Argentinien

A Loser I Can't Hate


Mako is offered a better life away from poverty. To do so she must don a suit and face Ryuko in combat.

I Will Wipe My Own Tears
Freischaltbar in Argentinien

I Will Wipe My Own Tears


Satsuki announces a new election system where students must survive a seven-day battle with each other in order to stand out on top. One student, Ira Gamagoori, gives aid to Ryuko and later the two have to face off.

A Once in a Lifetime Chance
Freischaltbar in Argentinien

A Once in a Lifetime Chance


Ira and Ryuko fight. Though Ira is able to dominate, Senketsu evolves a new form to defeat him.

I Want to Know More About You
Freischaltbar in Argentinien

I Want to Know More About You


Ryuko faces her next opponents Houka Inumuta and Nonon Jakuzure. Meanwhile, her evolving uniform is a source of concern.

I'm Not Your Cute Woman
Freischaltbar in Argentinien

I'm Not Your Cute Woman


Nui Harime, the slayer of Ryuko's father, unexpectedly arrives.

Spit Your Sadness Away
Freischaltbar in Ecuador

Spit Your Sadness Away


Ryuko comes face to face with her father's killer, but can she contain her rage? Mako and the Elite Four look on as sh e rampages on, coming closer and closer to death. Will Satsuki or anyone else be able to stop her?

Crazy For You
Freischaltbar in Argentinien

Crazy For You


Honnouji Academy is mobilizing for the Tri-City Schools Raid Trip! But after her recent rampage, Ryuko is moping in bed, unwilling to fight. However, Shinjiro Nagita, formerly with the Newspaper Club, is determined to get her back into uniform!

Ride Like the Wind
Freischaltbar in Argentinien

Ride Like the Wind


The Tri-City Schools Raid Trip has commenced! The three-pronged attack on the Kansai region is off to an interesting start, with some unusual defenses to overcome. But what part will Ryuko be able to play, with Senketsu in the hands of the enemy?

Don't Stop Me Now
Freischaltbar in Argentinien

Don't Stop Me Now


Satsuki Kiryuin joins the front line of Osaka to battle Kaneo Takarada, the heir to the Takarada Conglomerate. Using the influence of money, Takarada rallies the locals to fight, but Satsuki is suspicious there is another power behind the city's defense.

The Girl Can't Help It
Freischaltbar in Argentinien

The Girl Can't Help It


The Tri-City Schools Raid Trip is returning to Honnouji Academy, when Satsuki Kiryuin is unexpectedly summoned home. Meanwhile, Ryuko begins to learn the truth behind the series of events that brought her and Senketsu together.

Tell Me Why
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Tell Me Why


Preparations are underway for the Honnouji Academy Cultural & Sports Grand Festival! The school is in a fervor as Ragyo Kiryuin will be attending, but what are her and Satsuki's real intentions for the event?

Into the Night
Freischaltbar in Argentinien

Into the Night


The Honnouji Academy Cultural & Sports Grand Festival comes to an abrupt and very unexpected conclusion! Battle lines are drawn and Ryuko must decide who is friend and who is foe. But will she have the power to resist the power of the Life Fiber?

Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head
Freischaltbar in Argentinien

Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head


A startling revelation turns Ryuko's world upside down! But she's not the only one in turmoil, as Satsuki, the Elite Four and the members of Nudist Beach are left scrambling in the aftermath of the Honnouji Academy Cultural & Sports Grand Festival!

Far from the Maddening Crowd
Freischaltbar in Argentinien

Far from the Maddening Crowd


Ryuko is awake and she's not happy. Intent on killing Ragyo and Nui, she heads out, leaving her allies behind. Without her power, Nudist Beach must decide what their next step is, but a new piece of intel spurs them to action!

Freischaltbar in Argentinien



Ryuko's rampage continues, and thanks to Ragyo and Nui she has an unexpected new ally. With Satsuki as the target, will the Elite Four and Nudist Beach be able to withstand the onslaught?

Tell Me How You Feel
Freischaltbar in Argentinien

Tell Me How You Feel


A surprising turn of events catches Nui Harime off guard and gives Nudist Beach a chance to regroup and plan their next step in the fight against Ragyo. But will Ryuko and Satsuki be able to settle their recent conflicts?

Imitation Gold
Freischaltbar in Argentinien

Imitation Gold


The ongoing battle presses towards Honnouji Academy, but Ragyo and the Original Life Fiber stand in the way. Ryuko and Satsuki set off to face them, leaving Nudist Beach's defense to... Mako?! Meanwhile, a crazed Nui continues working feverishly...

Past the Infinite Darkness
Freischaltbar in Argentinien

Past the Infinite Darkness


The final confrontation is at hand! Will Ragyo and Nui bring on the end of the world, or will Ryuko and the others be able to stop them?

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