Guardian: The Lonely and Great God

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Kim Shin ist ein so genannter Dokkaebi (= Goblin, Dämon, Kobold), dazu verdammt zu leben und sich immer wieder an die von ihm Ermordeten zu erinnern. Erlösen davon, kann ihn nur eine Frau, die ihn liebt, die sogenannte "Braut des Dokkaebi". Auch der Tod (Angel of Death, Gevatter Tod) hat etwas mit der Vergangenheit des Dokkaebi zu tun, wie auch die schöne Besitzerin eines Imbiss. Für sie alle scheint es kein positives Ende zu geben - oder doch?


Kim So-Hyun
Kim So-Hyun
Gong Yoo
Gong Yoo
Kim Go-eun
Kim Go-eun
Lee Dong-Wook
Lee Dong-Wook
Yoo In-Na
Yoo In-Na
Sung-Jae Yook
Sung-Jae Yook
Lee El
Lee El
Woo-jin Jo
Woo-jin Jo
Sung Kyum Kim
Sung Kyum Kim
Byeong-cheol Kim
Byeong-cheol Kim


Guardian: The Lonely and Great God: Staffel 1

What Kind Of A Guardian Are You?
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What Kind Of A Guardian Are You?


A former human turned goblin is cursed to remain immortal and alone for hundreds of years. Ji Eun Tak, a girl who can see spirits, accidentally summons him, but she’s not what he expected.

I'll Become Your Bride In 200 Years
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I'll Become Your Bride In 200 Years


Eun Tak is happy when her life begins to change for the better, but then finds out Kim Shin has been lying to her.

I See The Sword
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I See The Sword


Kim Shin pushes Eun Tak on whether she can see something about him nobody else can, but Eun Tak has other things on her mind.

I Won't Leave You
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I Won't Leave You


Kim Shin meets with an old friend, and Eun Tak considers what her newfound responsibilities will mean for her future.

I Have To End My Life
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I Have To End My Life


Eun Tak helps one of her visitors pass on to the other side, and Kim Shin makes new sleeping arrangements.

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Kim Shin is still struggling to get Eun Tak to do what he needs her to do, while the Grim Reaper tries to act like a human.

I Think It's Your Face
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I Think It's Your Face


Eun Tak attempts to pull the sword out of Kim Shin's chest, but something holds her back. The Grim Reaper is thrown in jail.

You Gave Her That Fate
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You Gave Her That Fate


The Grim Reaper and Duk Hwa must clean up after Kim Shin's reaction. Eun Tak takes her exams.

He'll Vanish Forever From This World To Another
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He'll Vanish Forever From This World To Another


When Eun Tak learns of Kim Shin's fate, she tries to run away and avoid her own destiny. The Grim Reaper is at a loss with how to date.

Is She Really Your Sister?
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Is She Really Your Sister?


It's almost the new year, so Eun Tak asks Kim Shin to spend her first day as a 20-year old adult with her. The Grim Reaper struggles with the knowledge about Sunny's past.

The Deity Is So Cruel To You And Me
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The Deity Is So Cruel To You And Me


The Grim Reaper confronts Sunny, as does Kim Shin. An old "friend" introduces himself to Eun Tak.

Forget About Me
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Forget About Me


Sunny holds the key for the Grim Reaper to discover his past. Eun Tak begins college despite the threat on her life.

Protect Her
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Protect Her


Sunny, Kim Shin, and the Grim Reaper come to terms with their pasts.

Whom Have I Forgotten?
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Whom Have I Forgotten?


The sword is out, and everything changes. Nine years pass, and we find out what has happened to everyone.

Will You Be My Bride?
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Will You Be My Bride?


Eun Tak travels to Quebec to try and figure out why she can't remember a section of her past.

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