Major Dad

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Major Dad is an American sitcom created by Richard C. Okie and John G. Stephens, developed by Earl Pomerantz, that originally ran from 1989 to 1993 on CBS, starring Gerald McRaney as Major John D. MacGillis and Shanna Reed as his wife Polly. The cast also includes Beverly Archer, Matt Mulhern, Jon Cypher, Marisa Ryan, Nicole Dubuc and Chelsea Hertford.


Beverly Archer
Beverly Archer
Gerald McRaney
Gerald McRaney
Shanna Reed
Shanna Reed
Nicole Dubuc
Nicole Dubuc
Chelsea Hertford
Chelsea Hertford
Marisa Ryan
Marisa Ryan
Matt Mulhern
Matt Mulhern


Major Dad: Staffel 1

Major Dad
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Major Dad


Polly writes a distressing article on the Marines. The Major sets out to prove her wrong, and they fall in love.

Just Polly & Me, and the Kids Make Five
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Just Polly & Me, and the Kids Make Five


The Major proposes, but Polly's daughters must approve.

Rescue Mission
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Rescue Mission


Major Smiley, an old pal, tries to dissuade the Major from marriage.

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An alert on the base interrupts the Major and Polly's wedding day.

Wounded Flyboy and the Nurse Who Gave Him Reason to Live
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Wounded Flyboy and the Nurse Who Gave Him Reason to Live


The Major and Polly have trouble finding time together because of their busy schedules.

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Polly asks the Major to straighten things out when Elizabeth falls for Lt. Holowachuk.

Jane Wayne Day
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Jane Wayne Day


Polly endures a survival-training day for Marine wives.

Robin's Awakening
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Robin's Awakening


A long-distance chess match comes to town for the final battle and it turns out that a young teen sparks an interest in boys for Robin.

Major Mom
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Major Mom


Polly goes to jail to protect a news source.

Love Doctor
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Love Doctor



See the Hill ... Over the Hill
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See the Hill ... Over the Hill


The Major worries he may be over the hill and challenges a reluctant Holowachuk to a martial arts rematch.

Boxer Rebellion
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Boxer Rebellion


The Major and Polly disagree about the dress code at Elizabeth's school. The Major says change the schoolboard, and Polly says change the rules and she helps Elizabeth protest.

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The Major and Polly think of how to punish Casey for losing one of The Major's medals.

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Clashing lifestyles send the family to a counselor after the Major dumps the girls' dead pet bird.

That Connell Woman
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That Connell Woman


An old girlfriend and Lt. Colonel has romantic designs on the Major.

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Polly has morning sickness and gives the Major hopes of fatherhood.

Major Coach
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Major Coach


Hard feelings arise after Polly ask the Major to coach Robin's basketball team. Lt. Holowachuk buys an expensive camera from a beautiful woman and the Major suspects she is a con artist.

Camp MacGillis
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Camp MacGillis


The Major takes th family on a camping trip.

Not with My Daughter You Don't
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Not with My Daughter You Don't


The Major becomes an overprotective father when Elizabeth's new boyfriend Chip becomes more serious.

Officer of the Day
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Officer of the Day


Lt. Holowachuk gets in trouble when he plans a secret country hoe-down birthday party for the Major.

All Quiet on the Home Front, pt. 1
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All Quiet on the Home Front, pt. 1


The Major is put on alert for a top-secret mission

All Quiet on the Home Front, pt. 2
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All Quiet on the Home Front, pt. 2


The Major's family welcomes him back, but he thinks they resent his job.

See the Bridge
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See the Bridge


After returning safely from combat, Lt. Holowachuk craves danger.

Standing Tall
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Standing Tall


Casey takes the Major's advice on how to handle a bully.

Face the Music ... and Dance, pt. 1
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Face the Music ... and Dance, pt. 1


The Major takes a job offer to be transferred to Camp Hollister in Virginia.

Face the Music ... and Dance, pt. 2
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Face the Music ... and Dance, pt. 2


The Major decides to quite the Corps.

Major Dad: Staffel 2

Safe at First Base
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Safe at First Base


The Major adjusts to his new post at Camp Hollister, where the General's grandson takes pictures of Polly.

Welcome to Hollister
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Welcome to Hollister


The camp prepares for the Vice President's airplane refueling stop, which General Craig makes the Major in charge of.

Get a Job
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Get a Job


Polly gets a job at a newspaper on the base, ""The Bulldog,"" writing the human interest stories.

The Goat
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The Goat


A news story lies about her baseball team's playoff loss to Robin.

First Anniversary
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First Anniversary


Gunny baby-sits on the Major and Polly's first anniversary.

Wetting Down
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Wetting Down


In opposition to Marine traditions, Holowachuk does not want alcohol at his wetting down to celebrate making 1st Lieutenant. The Major tries to find a solution.

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Casey goes overboard to get the Major's attention and becomes a mini-Marine.

Birthday Ball
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Birthday Ball


The major needs a guest of honor for a base celebration of the Corps' 215th anniversary, and Vice President Quayle responds to the invitation. It is also Elizabeth's 16th birthday, and she feels neglected.

Wish You Were Here
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Wish You Were Here


The Major tries to be spontaneous by taking the family on a last-minute trip to Hawaii.

Love on the Run
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Love on the Run


Lt. Holowachuk and his blind date make immediate wedding plans.

Operation Fun Run
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Operation Fun Run


A hospital visit prevents the Major from completing a Navy Relief fund-raising project, so Gunny and Lt. Holowachuk must see it through.

Gift of the Major
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Gift of the Major


Casey's much-wanted toy goes to a needy child.

Flying Solo
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Flying Solo


The Major anticipates a relaxing weekend when Polly takes the girls shopping.

A Bird in the Hand
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A Bird in the Hand


The Major wants Gunny to express her anger after he accidentally destroys her favorite possession, a ceramic eagle once owned by the Corps' most decorated Marine.

Learning to Drive
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Learning to Drive


During a driving lesson with the Major, Elizabeth hits the general's antique MG.

The Name is Over Here
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The Name is Over Here


The Major and his family react to the start of the Persian Gulf War by settling a territorial dispute at home.

Valentine's Day
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Valentine's Day


The Major is embarrassed by Polly's valentine tribute to him in the base newspaper when it reveals his romantic side in the article; Elizabeth finally agrees to a date with Jesse.

Sins of the Father
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Sins of the Father


The Major tries to make amends for stealing a watch as a boy.

The Possible Dream
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The Possible Dream


The officers organize a Marine talent show. The general, who no one thinks has talent, wants to perform and has to sing at the last minute; Robin runs for president of her student council.

Private Affair
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Private Affair


Elizabeth's new beau is a practical-joking Marine the Major doesn't like.

Polly's Choice
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Polly's Choice


Polly is asked to collaborate on a book with her former boyfriend, Evan Charters.

Silent Drill Team
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Silent Drill Team


The Major realizes his dream of performing with the Marine Corps Silent Drill Team.

Elmo Come Home
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Elmo Come Home


Gunny reluctantly dog-sits a homeless puppy the Major hopes to adopt for Casey but becomes attached to it.

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The Major is charged with writing a speech welcoming troops home from Saudi Arabia. He also decides he wants to adopt Polly's kids, but Elizabeth is reluctant.

Major Dad: Staffel 3

The Shut Down
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The Shut Down


Defense cutbacks threaten Camp Hollister.

Major Moonlighting
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Major Moonlighting


The Major moonlights as an attendant at the service station Holowachuk manages.

Polly's Pen Pal
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Polly's Pen Pal


Robin's smitten penpal, Lt. Vickers, arrives and learns she sent him a picture of Polly.

A Few Good Men
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A Few Good Men


The Major is chosen to represent Camp Hollister on a calendar depicting ideal servicemen.

Poker Night
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Poker Night


General Craig orders his staff to have a night of fun to boost sagging morale.

Anything You Can Do I Can Do Perky
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Anything You Can Do I Can Do Perky


Gunny suspects the motives of the perky sergeant the General assigns to assist her.

Educating Casey
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Educating Casey


The Major and Polly succumb to the pressure when Casey is chosen to apply for an accelerated school, which means interviews and tests.

Lady in Waiting
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Lady in Waiting


When Elizabeth is hired as a waitress, Polly and the Major object to her provocative uniform (short, fluffy black dress, white apron and pig ears) which leads Elizabeth to organize a revolt at work.

General Unrest
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General Unrest


The General moves in with the MacGillises when his wife throws him out.

Steel Magnolia
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Steel Magnolia


A lobbyist stages a protest over cutbacks in civilian personnel at the base.

On the Line
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On the Line


The Marines take over for civilian employees who strike to protest cutbacks at the base.

The Shell Game
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The Shell Game


A land developer's plan to build a mall on the site of Camp Hollister is thwarted by a nesting turtle.

Who's That Blonde ?
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Who's That Blonde ?


Gunny dyes her hair blond after the bill allowing women to be in combat fails; Lt. Holowachuk spruces up his ""space.""

We've Got Trouble
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We've Got Trouble


Lt. Holowachuk and Gunny get competitive at pool.

Three's a Crowd
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Three's a Crowd


Casey's new boyfriend likes hanging out with the Major.

Three Angry Marines
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Three Angry Marines


Gunny, Holowachuk, and the Major are assigned to a court-martial panel but have different opinions about the case.

Close Encounters
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Close Encounters


The MacGillises participate in a marriage workshop during a weekend getaway.

Base Desires
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Base Desires


The MacGillises vie with another family to be military family of the year.

When Gunny Talks
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When Gunny Talks


Gunny gives successful investment tips to Elizabeth, who then becomes concerned only with making money.

The L Word
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The L Word


Elizabeth falls for her tutor; Gunny's beau says too much.

Sick Bay
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Sick Bay


The Major writes an article on raising children for a bedridden Polly that doesn't sit well with her.

Charlotte's Web
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Charlotte's Web


An ""adopt-a-Marine"" program pairs Holowachuk with a wild woman.

The Noisy Drill Team
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The Noisy Drill Team


Gen. Craig prepares the base for inspection by the closure committee.

In the Brick of Time
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In the Brick of Time


Polly prepares an upbeat documentary on Camp Hollister's closing.

Major Dad: Staffel 4

The People's Choice, pt. 1
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The People's Choice, pt. 1


The visit of the Major's father, Jake, creates tension.

The People's Choice, pt. 2
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The People's Choice, pt. 2


Jake moves in with Lt. Holowachuk after a fight with the Major.

Here's Looking at You, Pol
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Here's Looking at You, Pol


Revealing old photos of mayoral candidate Polly hit the papers.

Catered Affair
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Catered Affair


The Major must hire Elizabeth to cater a reception for a visiting general.

There's No Place Like Farlow
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There's No Place Like Farlow


Casey has a fever and Oz-like nightmares on Halloween.

The Election Show
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The Election Show


The Major takes a leave of absence and goes with Polly on the election trail when she runs for mayor.

Gunny's Veiled Threat
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Gunny's Veiled Threat


Gunny joins the Secret Service and becomes a harem member to guard a visiting emir.

One for the Road
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One for the Road


Fearing a crash, Elizabeth won't drive her new car; Gen. Craig is on crutches and creating havoc with them.

Blue Tenant Holowachuk
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Blue Tenant Holowachuk


Apartment manager Lt. Holowachuk backs a rent strike against the landlord: Gen. Craig.

Old Acquaintance
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Old Acquaintance


A change in her college friends disturbs Polly.

About Face
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About Face


Everyone jumps to conclusions about Gen. Craig's activities.

I'll Be Seeing You
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I'll Be Seeing You


Polly is enlisted to be hostess of the '40s-themed USO ball, where new and old loves are sparked.

Night School
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Night School


Gen. Craig and the Major go to night school.

Piano Lesson
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Piano Lesson


The Major is embarrassed about taking piano lessons.

Come Rain or Come Shine
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Come Rain or Come Shine


A corporate headhunter woos several marines.

Colonel of Truth
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Colonel of Truth


After being denied a promotion, the Major considers leaving the Marines.

From Russia with Like
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From Russia with Like


The major and a visiting Russian officer compete.

The Spell of Grease Paint
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The Spell of Grease Paint


Polly's role in a play opposite Lt. Holowachuk makes the Major jealous.

Gunny Gets Robbed
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Gunny Gets Robbed


Gunny's apartment is robbed.

Conduct Unbecoming
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Conduct Unbecoming


The Major suspects Robin's new boyfriend may be battered by his father, another major, despite denials from the family; Lt. Holowachuk tries to fill his basketball team but finds complications when Gen. Craig wants to play--and no one wants to guard him because he is the general.

General Disturbance
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General Disturbance


General Craig is transferred to the White House.

Oops, a Daisy
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Oops, a Daisy


Polly and the Major get in an arguement over his birthday gift to Casey, a Daisy rifle. But who eventually wins the fight?

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