申し訳ありませんが、 監獄学園-プリズンスクール-はNetflix Japanではご利用いただけません。私たちは 1 日に何百回も Netflix をチェックしているため、定期的にチェックして、いつストリーミングに表示されるかを確認できます。
Netflix で追加の映画や番組をロック解除する全寮制の元女子高・私立八光(はちみつ)学園は今年度から共学に代わったが、入学してきた男子生徒は、藤野清志(キヨシ)らわずか5人のみ。1000人を超える女子生徒たちを前に、甘い学園生活への期待から胸躍らせるキヨシたちだったが、ある日、女子風呂をノゾこうとしたことで、学園を掌握する「裏生徒会」に拘束されてしまう。そして、罰として懲罰棟(通称:プリズン)と呼ばれる監獄で1ヶ月間の囚人生活を強いられることに・・・。それでも、めげずにさまざまな手段で立ち向かうキヨシたちだったが、裏生徒会の美女3人も、あの手この手でキヨシたちを追い込んでいく・・・。 男子生徒5人は、裏生徒会による支配に屈せず、無事にプリズンから脱獄することができるのか!?
In this live action adaptation of the popular anime, five boys face harsh punishment for seeking forbidden sights at their new, formerly all-girls high school.
The Underground Student Council has it out for the disgraced group of peepers as they do their best to cope with their "prison."
Gakuto hatches an explosive plan to help Kiyoshi escape the prison and secure his date at the sumo match with Chiyo.
As Kiyoshi deals with the fallout from his failed escape attempt, the Underground Student Council initiates Operation: DTO in an attempt to expel the boys once and for all.
Relationships are strained and tensions are heightened as Operation: DTO moves forward at full force.
Now that Operation: DTO has completed its goal, the boys must rush to find proof that they were framed before the chairman finalizes their expulsion.
The boys seem utterly doomed as their expulsion creeps closer and closer. However, rays of hope shine upon them from unexpected places.
With just one day left to prove their innocence, the boys amass all their resources to launch one final counterattack against the Underground Student Council.
It's all led to this; will the boys finally be able to return to their old life at the high school, or will they be forced to leave it forever?