申し訳ありませんが、 Maria Bamford: The Special Special Special!はNetflix Japan ではご利用いただけませんが、日本では今すぐロックを解除して視聴を開始できます!いくつかの簡単な手順で、Netflix の地域を ハンガリー のような国に変更し、 Maria Bamford: The Special Special Special! を含む Netflix ハンガリー の視聴を開始できます。
Netflix で Maria Bamford: The Special Special Special! を視聴する方法Welcome to the special special special comedy special. It's very good. I love comedy. And who do I want to make laugh more than Marilyn and Joel Bamford, my parents? So, we've cut out the middle man of 200 strangers in a tv studio and gone right to the source. With some paid audiences, the feigned enthusiasm can be a little uncomfortable to watch, but I genuinely rock the house. My parents only wish they could be there with you when you watch this with your parents.