はい、 魔女の旅々は日本 Netflix で利用できるようになりました。 January 21, 2022 にオンライン ストリーミング用に配信されました
あるところに一人の旅人がいました。彼女の名はイレイナ。若くして魔法使いの最上位「魔女」となった才女です。幼いころに読んだ旅の物語に憧れて、流されるように気ままな長い旅を続けています。この広大な世界を自由に渡り歩き、わけのわからない可笑しな人や、誰かの美しい日常に触れながら、彼女は旅人として、これといった目的もなく、色々な国や人との出逢いを繰り返します。そして同じ数だけの—— 「構わないでください。私、旅人なものですから。先を急がなければならないのです」そんな魔女イレイナが紡ぐ、出逢いと別れの物語…。
ネットフリックスで見るElaina works hard to pass the magic exams so she can become a witch and travel the world, like the witch from her favorite book. But before she can become a full-fledged witch, she needs to find a witch who will take her on as an apprentice.
Elaina arrives at the Land of Mages hoping to be treated well because of her status as a witch, but her time in the country takes a new direction after she meets the novice, Saya.
On the outskirts of one country, Elaina encounters a beautiful flower field with a dark secret. In a different country, she meets a boy gathering happiness in a bottle.
Elaina enters a country in ruins with no choice but to look for a place to spend the night. The only building left standing is a castle with a princess living alone inside...
Elaina visits Royal Celestria, where mages perform in the streets and do odd jobs. She finds a place called the Royal Magic Academy, but she isn't allowed to go in...
Elaina visits the Land of Truth Tellers and finds its citizens strangely quiet and not at all like the honest people she expected to see.
Elaina visits a country from The Adventures of Niké after Saya was sent there for a job, and then she has her first taste of alcohol in a village famous for its wine.
Elaina arrives in a town full of dolls and overhears a witch named Sheila investigating a series of attacks by a criminal known as the Ripper.
In the Clock Village of Rostolf, Elaina, finding herself short on money, takes on a job to help another witch change a tragic past.
Fran and Sheila look back at how their first adventure and how their relationship has changed since they first met.
Elaina's path crosses Saya's again when she visits another country from The Adventures of Niké and Saya is there on a job for the United Magic Association.
Elaina enters a mysterious country that claims to grant wishes and encounters many different versions of herself.