申し訳ありませんが、 Senario The MovieはNetflix Japan ではご利用いただけませんが、日本では今すぐロックを解除して視聴を開始できます!いくつかの簡単な手順で、Netflix の地域を シンガポール のような国に変更し、 Senario The Movie を含む Netflix シンガポール の視聴を開始できます。
Netflix で Senario The Movie を視聴する方法To bring back the popularity of his fun fair, Apek sponsored a 'dangdut' concert. He also does not allowed Wahid to bring Azlee, Wahid's elder brother who suffer a mental disorder, to his fun fair. Now Wahid works with Shamsul to frightened the villagers to patronize Pak Tam's stall in order to get his land. Wahid then realize Shamsul is a conman. Shamsul demands the advance given to Wahid and take Azlee as a hostage. Shamsul also kidnapped Inah, the daughter of Pak Tam. Wahid and his friend freed Azlee and Inah and Shamsul are arrested.