申し訳ありませんが、 여고괴담 여섯번째 이야기: 모교はNetflix Japan ではご利用いただけませんが、日本では今すぐロックを解除して視聴を開始できます!いくつかの簡単な手順で、Netflix の地域を 大韓民国 (韓国) のような国に変更し、 여고괴담 여섯번째 이야기: 모교 を含む Netflix 大韓民国 (韓国) の視聴を開始できます。
Netflix で 여고괴담 여섯번째 이야기: 모교 を視聴する方法Eun-hee is hired as a vice principal at her old high school, where strange things take place in the closed down washroom. High school student Ha-young and So-yeon, who used the washroom as their hideout hear humming in the empty washroom, and believe that a ghost exists inside. Ha-young discovers a flowerpot on the stairs and suspect that Eun-hee is somehow linked to the mystery. Suffering from hallucination upon her inauguration, Eun-hee finds a ghastly figured girl in the washroom mirror and begins to believe that the girl was the one who brought her back to this school…