Omo Ghetto (Child of the Ghetto) franchise tells the story of twin sisters leading separate lives but are reunited by series of dramatic twists.
Roohi is set in a fictional town of North India. The film revolves around two small-town boys Bhaura and Kattanni who are stuck in a forest with Roohi. But there’s an insidious spirit following them with feet turned backwards.
Coping with heartbreak, the shy owner of a floundering cafe finds solace in the Javanese love songs of Didi Kempot.
Bheeshma Prasad, a simple meme creator has his life turned around when he wages a war against a powerful agro company that creates harmful chemicals to increase the crop yield and make more money.
This bittersweet comedy follows immigrants in Delhi who are attempting to organise a wedding party, but soon find everything going wrong.
Things look up for a Chennai man struggling to make ends meet when he falls for a politician's daughter until he gets entangled in a murder case.