申し訳ありませんが、 究極進化したフルダイブRPGが現実よりもクソゲーだったらはNetflix Japanではご利用いただけません。私たちは 1 日に何百回も Netflix をチェックしているため、定期的にチェックして、いつストリーミングに表示されるかを確認できます。
Netflix で追加の映画や番組をロック解除する冴えない高校生・結城宏がひょんなことから入手したフルダイブRPG『極クエスト』。技術の粋を集めて作られたこのゲームは「リアルを極めた」という謳い文句に違わず、グラフィック、NPCの挙動、草木の香りや肌をなでる風、すべてが究極の出来映えであった――リアル過ぎて、クリア不可能なほど「めんどくさい」ゲームである、ということ以外は。 「フラグ数10,000,000,000,000,000以上!? 身体能力も現実そのままかよ!!」 「ええ。殴られれば痛いし、斬られれば数日は傷が治らない。史上最高にリアルなゲームよ!」 報酬は達成感のみ。軽い気持ちで遊べない、史上最もストレスフルなゲームを攻略せよ!
ネットフリックスで見るHiroshi Yuuki is having one really shitty day. He can't wait to get home and fire up a new virtual reality MMO so he can forget all about it. What could go wrong?
Given the difficulty of Hiro's unique situation in the game, Reona and Hiro decide to seek the help of one of the few remaining players in Kiwame Quest.
After being betrayed by Ginji, Hiro is arrested by the City Guard. Can he find a way to clear himself or escape?
Hiro's traumatic Kiwame Quest play session reminds him of the past. His resolve to quit Kiwame Quest is tested.
Hiro is taken before the Tesla, captain of the City Guard. The interaction has important ramifications for his ability to play Kiwame Quest. Reona attempts to provide Hiro with guidance.
Mizarisa and Alicia clash over Hiro. After the battle, Hiro starts to understand Kamui's advice.
Hiro and Reona return to find the city of Ted in a state of panic. Hiro's newfound change in attitude spurs him to action, and his bold choices open the door to an exciting opportunity.
Hiro begins training as part of the City Guard. However, things don't go quite like he imagined.
Hiro's mentally gruelling time training with the City Guard continues. As the difficulties continue, Hiro grows discouraged. Can he find a way to turn things around and endure until the second goblin assault?
Hiro has endured the 5 days of City Guard training, and the day of the goblin assault is finally upon him. His achievements have earned him the right to learn the trick to Kiwame Quest, but will it be enough?
The goblin assault has begun. A problem from Hiro's past returns to haunt him, and Hiro learns why his chance of survival is only 0.1%.
Hiro has learned the true nature of the City of Ted, and now he has to die. Can Hiro save his console from nearly certain destruction?
Hiroshi Yuuki is having one really shitty day. He can't wait to get home and fire up a new virtual reality MMO so he can forget all about it. What could go wrong?
Given the difficulty of Hiro's unique situation in the game, Reona and Hiro decide to seek the help of one of the few remaining players in Kiwame Quest.
After being betrayed by Ginji, Hiro is arrested by the City Guard. Can he find a way to clear himself or escape?
Hiro's traumatic Kiwame Quest play session reminds him of the past. His resolve to quit Kiwame Quest is tested.
Hiro is taken before the Tesla, captain of the City Guard. The interaction has important ramifications for his ability to play Kiwame Quest. Reona attempts to provide Hiro with guidance.
Mizarisa and Alicia clash over Hiro. After the battle, Hiro starts to understand Kamui's advice.
Hiro and Reona return to find the city of Ted in a state of panic. Hiro's newfound change in attitude spurs him to action, and his bold choices open the door to an exciting opportunity.
Hiro begins training as part of the City Guard. However, things don't go quite like he imagined.
Hiro's mentally gruelling time training with the City Guard continues. As the difficulties continue, Hiro grows discouraged. Can he find a way to turn things around and endure until the second goblin assault?
Hiro has endured the 5 days of City Guard training, and the day of the goblin assault is finally upon him. His achievements have earned him the right to learn the trick to Kiwame Quest, but will it be enough?
The goblin assault has begun. A problem from Hiro's past returns to haunt him, and Hiro learns why his chance of survival is only 0.1%.
Hiro has learned the true nature of the City of Ted, and now he has to die. Can Hiro save his console from nearly certain destruction?