A Fire in a Burlesque Theatre

Entschuldigung, A Fire in a Burlesque Theatre ist auf Netflix Deutschland nicht verfügbar. Wir überprüfen Netflix hunderte Male am Tag, sodass Sie regelmäßig nachsehen können, wann es zum Streamen angezeigt wird.

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This short, otherwise unremarkable feature is of some interest because of the way that it unabashedly caters to the tastes that it perceived in its audiences. Besides combining the elements of the risqué 'blue' movies of the era with the popularity of movies about fires, it also attempted to use the combination to get extra mileage out of it. The movie's title summarises the setup, and most of the footage shows firefighters using ladders to rescue stage girls, clad in portions of their costumes, from an upper level. Although it all seems pretty tame by today's standards, it no doubt provided its male viewers with some brief moments of excitement as the various women hurried down the ladders with their costumes in disarray. (IMDb)

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