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Worth (2020)

February 18, 2022 Logo Netflix Logo Tmdb Logo IMDb Logo Rotten Tomatoes Logo Metacritic Logo

What is the value of a life? Are some lives worth more than others? These questions are at the center of the 2020 film Worth staring Michael Keaton and Stanley Tucci. It’s the true story of managing the settlement for victims of 9/11 – but the settlement is more than dollars and cents, its a battle for dignity and respect.

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In the days that followed the coordinated terror attacks on the United States in September of 2001, the US Congress passed the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund that would see funds distributed to the families and victims of said attacks. The passing of the fund was not an entirely altruistic act as the aviation industry feared litigation from victims. The magnitude of the potential lawsuits were a threat to the airline industry and the American economy in general.

Image Courtesy of TMDb

The fund required an independent administrator and lawyer and professor, Kenneth Feinberg volunteered for the job. Keaton brings Feinberg to life in a humble and bumbling way, Feinberg’s intentions were noble but his ability to communicate compassion and understanding left a lot to be desired. After being challenged by a knowledgeable widower, Charles Wolf (Tucci), to listen to the very raw and human stories of the survivors before distributing the settlement, Feinberg begins to see each person as more than an entry into his formula.

Written by Max Borenstein and adapted from Feinber’s book What is Life Worth?, Worth is a compelling and beautifully captured story of the true value of life and the connection people form in times of grief and difficulty.

Image Courtesy of TMDb

Stanley Tucci and Michael Keaton have wonderful chemistry and it is their human struggle laid bare that brings authenticity and vulnerability to the story. They brilliantly capture the impossibility of placing a dollar value on life while simultaneously highlighting the necessity to provide security for the victims and their families.

Worth is a though-provoking tale, masterfully played out by Tucci and Keaton and their brilliant supporting cast. Be sure to catch it on Netflix now.

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