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Death to 2020; A Fitting End to the Worst Year Ever

December 28, 2020 Logo Netflix Logo Tmdb Logo IMDb Logo Rotten Tomatoes Logo Metacritic Logo

How to you give the worst year ever a fitting send off? How does a mockumentary filled with a star-studded cast commenting on the year’s most talked about happenings sound?

Image Courtesy of TMDb

2020 has been filled with fires, floods, plague and protests. Acts of terrorism occur around the world, oil prices tank and The Royal Family split. Donald Trump was impeached, acquitted and investigated again. An outbreak became a pandemic, triggering a global lockdown while continued police violence resulted in a world-wide movement calling for law-enforcement accountability. And this is only a fraction of the things that made a dumpster fire out of this year.

A dumpster, on fire
Image Courtesy of TMDb

In an effort to give 2020 a fitting send-off, the writing team that brought us Black Mirror lend their particular brand of talent to this 70-minute satirical extravaganza that brings us hot takes from fictionalized regular citizens, influencers and royalty alike. While some feel that this kind of humor is too much too soon, considering the current lockdown and rising COVID numbers, Charlie Brooker and Annabel Jones delight in raking 2020 over the coals and sending it on its way in this cheeky presentation, Death to 2020.

Say what you will about the timing of such a piece but there is no room to criticize the cast and the unbelievable but entirely recognizable characters they embody. Samuel L. Jackson, Leslie Jones, Tracy Ullman, Lisa Kudrow, Hugh Grant and Kumail Ninjani each have moments of hilarity and brilliance as they personify voices and characters that have filled our social media feeds for the past 12 months. Some representing ‘experts’ while others give voice to everyday citizens we all have experience with in our own lives, but all aptly summarized what a mixed bagged of opinions and theories this year has been filled with.

A computer monitor with several faces on it
Image Courtesy of TMDb

Diane Morgan steals the show with her unbelievable yet totally accurate portrayal of Kathy Flowers, a self-described “regular soccer mom” who turns out to be a raging conspiracy theorist, anti-vaxer, White Supremist racist. Her growing paranoia and non-sensical theories are funny and frightening at the same time. She represents all the folks we have blocked on our social media feeds throughout the year and she does it superbly.

While there is little escapism in this satirical year-in-review, there is still plenty to laugh at while indulging in Death to 2020. Here’s to a new year and a better one!

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