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The Dig (2021)

March 15, 2021 Logo Netflix Logo Tmdb Logo IMDb Logo Rotten Tomatoes Logo Metacritic Logo

Starring Ralph Fiennes, Carey Mulligan and Lily James, The Dig, is a beautiful telling of the true story of an archeological dig that took place in 1939 Suffolk, England. Based on the book by the same name by John Preston, this film is as moving as it is visually captivating.

A woman standing in a field at sunset
Image Courtesy of TMDb

When a wealthy widow desires to have the burial mounds on her estate examined, she turns to a local man who, though self-taught, has a solid reputation as an excavator. After some back and forth, Basil Brown (Ralph Fiennes) agrees to take on the project. In doing so, he sets himself against the local museum who wished to engage his services for a dig they deemed more important.

As the project proceeds, the bristly Brown develops an unlikely friendship with his employer’s son, Robert (Archie Barnes), which only deepens his connection to his employer, Edith Pretty (Carey Mulligan). Brown soon discovers that not only is Edith a widow, but she is also terminally ill. His dedication to the project only intensifies as he comes to know and care for the family. Ignoring letters from his wife, Brown loses himself in his dig and the curious life of the widow and her son.

A man and a woman sitting at a table in a small room
Image Courtesy of TMDb

As war approaches, it is confirmed that this dig has far more historical value than first thought and with that discovery comes an influx of archaeologists from Cambridge University, including the vibrant yet neglect young wife of one of the archeologists. Young Mrs. Peggy Piggott (Lily James) soon proves her worth as an excavator while she grows a strong attachment to the project and the project’s photographer. The Cambridge experts attempt to exert control over the project and its findings but with the help and confidence of Brown, Edith retains control and completes the project as she desires.

In the end, Edith donates the findings to the British Museum on the condition that Basil Brown is recognized for his contributions. This doesn’t happen immediately as the treasure was hidden in London’s Underground for nearly a decade following Edith’s death. When it was finally displayed, the collection did not bear any mention of Basil Brown, an oversight that was recently rectified.

Two women sitting in the dorrway of a house. A man is sitting just within view behind them
Image Courtesy of TMDb

There is a quiet beauty about this film. Fiennes and Mulligan both give understated yet poignant performances. Their connection, on screen, is woven with shared sadness and determination and they effortlessly exhale a captivating tale. Lily James also gives a brilliant performance, full of depth and soul, and, as always, exudes charm every minute of her performance.

Screenwriter Moira Buffini masterfully translated John Preston’s story for the screen and the team of director, Simon Stone, and editor, Jon Harris, crafted a visually and emotionally engaging cinema experience. The Dig is a film that you will want to watch and watch again. It is truly one of the most beautiful pieces I have seen in a while.

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