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The Serpent (2021)

April 26, 2021 Logo Netflix Logo Tmdb Logo IMDb Logo Rotten Tomatoes Logo Metacritic Logo

Charm and ingenuity and take you far in this world. All the way down the path to being a notorious serial murderer, if you’re not careful. The Serpent is a limited crime series based on the true and terrifying story of Charles Sobhraj, a French national who robs, murders and steals the identities of backpacking travelers throughout Southeast Asia.

A stylish 1970s couple walking together
Image Courtesy of TMDb

The series begins in the mid-70s when a Dutch diplomat (Billy Howle) ansd his wife (Ellie Bamber) begin to investigate the disappearance of a young Dutch couple in Thailand. The investigation leads, in a winding trail, to Charles Sobhraj (Tahar Rahim) and his glamourous Quebecois girlfriend, Marie-Andree Leclerc (Jenna Coleman). Together than ran an intricate crime scheme that crossed borders and spanned decades.

A man and a woman sitting together in a car
Image Courtesy of TMDb

Sobhraj was able to elude authorities for so long due to his ability to adapt and disguise himself. Through stealing and doctoring the passports of his victims, Sobhraj and Leclerc were able to hop from country to country, undetected. There were a few missteps over the years that landed Sobhraj in prison but he was always able to free himself to continue his crimes.

The Serpent is a collaboration between BBC and Netflix that debut in early 2021 to positive reviews. Feedback from those who were involved in the case has been mixed. Most notably, those who knew Sobhraj say the series underplays his diabolical wit and charm which, undoubtedly, made him attractive to his victims at the first.

A collage of the main characters of the series
Image Courtesy of TMDb

The series is well-paced and visually stunning. It captures the mood and tone of the era and hooks the viewer in with the flashbacks and deep conflicting emotions, early on, of Leclerc. Both Rahim and Coleman are captivating to watch onscreen and have a chemistry that displays the power dynamics of the relationship beautifully.

The Serpent is nearly too terrible and terrifying to be real. It is suspenseful and gritty. And it is real. Charles Sobhraj is real. Let that sit with you for a minute and you’ll feel the horror that is The Serpent.

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