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Worn Stories (2021)

June 26, 2021 Logo Netflix Logo Tmdb Logo IMDb Logo Rotten Tomatoes Logo Metacritic Logo

 “I’d like to think I can still summon the total carpe diem, reckless abandon, bulletproof sense of invincibility that I once had wearing that shirt.” Emily Spivack writes in her book, Worn Stories. How relatable is that? We all have that favourite shirt, that shirt that is comfortable and familiar and makes us feel invincible. That one shirt that holds a million memories. That one shirt that we genuinely love.

A semi-circle of Korean women standing together while practicing a dance routine
Image Courtesy of TMDb

That inexplicable love for certain items of clothing is what inspired Emily Spivack to write a book that eventually inspired the Netflix limited series by the same name. Worn Stories is funny, poignant, a little cheesy and entirely relatable as it tells the very common human experience of weaving our memories and emotions into the very fabric we wear.

A young girl with hair dyed pink and green, sitting on a bed in a room with purple and yellow walls, smiling
Image Courtesy of TMDb

The series opens with a story that requires no clothes at all. And still, there is sentimental attachment to the shirt that he was wearing when he met her. Then there’s the lady who found confidence and joy in a gifted sweater during a time when she was rebuilding her life. And the there’s the coat that was the focus of a cousins’ caper that lead the duo on a chase through Manhattan.

A black woman standing in the doorway of a changing room in a clothing store looking jubilant
Image Courtesy of TMDb

Each story, whether hilarious or heart-wrenching, evokes familiar emotions of attachment and fond memories. While watching other people’s stories unfold one can’t help by remember and reminisce about our own significant life moments and the clothes we associate with those moments. This idea has resonated so much that it has spawned its own hashtag, #wornstories, on Instagram and Facebook.

If you are looking for a feel good series that evokes sentiment and nostalgia look no further, Worn Stories is just the show for you. Streaming now on Netflix.

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