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Netflix で ヘムロック・グローヴ を視聴する方法One cannot quench his all-consuming thirst. The other cannot tame the beast clawing its way out. In the sleepy Pennsylvania village of Hemlock Grove, two young men struggle to accept painful truths: about family, themselves, the mystery of the White Tower - and a terrifying new threat so powerful it will turn them from predators into prey.
A teenager is murdered in the woods of Hemlock Grove. Evidence points to an animal attack but suspicions soon fall on Peter, the newly arrived gypsy.
Roman confronts Peter at the crime scene, finding common ground. Letha reveals a shocking secret and Olivia and Norman fall into old habits.
Christina discovers a new victim and Sheriff Sworn gets outside help from Dr. Chasseur. Now a suspect, Peter joins Roman to find the killer.
Letha's interest in Peter takes a turn. Chasseur and Sworn's investigation hits a new low while Roman and Peter stay one step ahead.
Shelley's connection to Dr. Pryce is further revealed, Destiny helps Peter understand the recent murder and the gala at the Tower goes horribly awry.
Peter and Roman follow Lisa Willoughby's trail to the old steel mill where they find a missing piece of the puzzle. Christina's date goes poorly.
Shelley commits an act of independence, Chasseur questions Roman but crosses paths with Olivia, and Peter and Roman's friendship takes a turn.
After drunkenly attacking the Godfrey Institute, Roman falls into a coma and embarks on a subconscious journey of shocking truths and revelations.
As a full moon approaches, Letha's parents discover her relationship with Peter. Despite a crisis of faith, Chasseur prepares to capture the killer.
A weakened Roman emerges from his coma and reunites with Peter to stop the killer. Hemlock Grove braces itself for another lethal full moon.
Peter and his mother hide from vigilantes seeking the killer, while Christina disappears, and Roman finally begins to face the truth about his nature.
As Olivia and Chasseur face off at the Mill, Shelley learns the awful truth about her family, and Peter and Roman uncover the killer's identity.
The tragic conclusion to the Hemlock Grove killing spree leaves both the Godfrey and Rumancek families devastated, with the final horror yet to come.
Peter returns to Hemlock Grove in search of money to afford a lawyer for Lynda while Roman tries to satiate his newly found appetite.
Roman invites an outsider to be his guest. Destiny attempts to bring clarity to Peter’s dreams. Olivia grows frustrated adapting to her ailments.
Peter explores the scene of his haunted premonitions. Meanwhile, Olivia demands exclusivity from Norman at all costs.
Roman’s hunger tempts him beyond his self-control. New evidence arises in the search for Shelley. Peter comes to the aid of a child in need.
Miranda and Roman seek medical advice. Peter and Destiny must find a new way of helping Lynda when her attorney informs them the case is hopeless.
Roman undertakes his first treatment with Dr. Pryce; Norman sets up a rendezvous with a beloved relative he thought was lost forever.
A family reunion unfolds with layers of typical Godfrey dysfunction. Peter and Roman’s quest to save lives forces them to reveal their true natures.
Roman tells Norman the truth about their family. Olivia’s rehabilitation takes an unexpected turn. Destiny discovers what the murderers are plotting.
While Peter undergoes questioning, Roman proceeds with his final transfusion. An unexpected alliance forms when a threat to Olivia’s life is revealed.
Peter recuperates at home. At the White Tower, Roman takes care of unfinished business and Norman has a final confrontation with Olivia.
The search for Miranda and Nadia digs into Spivak's past. Roman has an encounter with a mysterious stranger. Andreas and Destiny plan their future.
Annie reveals her secrets to Roman as they probe a connection between two attacks. Olivia is unable to feed and Miranda must fend for herself.
Pryce deduces the nature of the creature and looks for links to the Pivak monster. Roman explores upir customs. Peter grills Andreas about the heist.
Peter Makes a bold move to head off a war between the Gypsies and the Croatian mob. After an agonizing detox, Pryce delivers disturbing news.
Ochoa encourages Olivia to reach out to Annie. Destiny's sanity begins to crumble in Andreas's absence, and Pryce is besieged by childhood memories.
As Olivia's condition worsens, she drops a bombshell on Roman. The wolf pack struggles to hide the truth about Andreas from Destiny.
A plan to save Olivia requires a search for the perfect mark at an upir conference. Destiny confronts Roman about Andreas.
Aitor ponders leaving Hemlock Grove and asks Shelley to join him. Roman manipulates Peter into turning on Milan.
Gruesome discoveries await Roman and Peter at Spivak's cabin. As Olivia's time runs out, she targets her son. Pryce consoles a heartbroken Shelley.
Blinsky tends to Roman's wounds at the White Tower. After leaving Nadia with Shelley, Annie confronts Olivia about her father's death.