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Life in Color with David Attenborough (2021)

April 28, 2021 Logo Netflix Logo Tmdb Logo IMDb Logo Rotten Tomatoes Logo Metacritic Logo

At an age most of us won’t live to see and those who do make it there would surely be well into retirement, Sir David Attenborough is still going strong. He continues to wow the public with his thoughtful and thought-provoking perspectives on our planet. His latest offering, Life in Color with David Attenborough explores nature through the responses to and interactions with color.

A collage of animals
Image Courtesy of TMDb

In this three part series that launched on Earth Day 2021, Sir Attenborough, a life long broadcaster and naturalist, explores, in depth, how animal use color to attract each other, to repel each other and to hide from each other. He travels around the world, from the tropical forests of Costa Rica to the wild highlands of Scotland and all points in between to reveal the secret strength of color in nature.

A split picture of a prairie fox and an arctic fox
Image Courtesy of TMDb

Sir Attenborough doesn’t want us to take his word for it, though. His team developed special cameras for this project that give viewers an animal-perspective of this world of color. Through these magnificent lenses, we get to detect the intricate hues of a fish’s scales and the delicate blend of tones on a butterfly’s wings.

Sir David Attenborough and a tucan
Image Courtesy of TMDb

Sir David Attenborough has had a long and distinguished career in broadcasting, best known for his series on the BBC focusing on the environment and nature. In 1979, he embarked on what would become a life long adventure exploring, well, Life. His Life series has been ground-breaking and highly popular all over the world. His latest offering, Life in Color does the series proud with it’s intimate photography and breath-taking perspectives on nature.

Be sure to takin in Life in Colour with David Attenborough on new on Netflix.

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