Yes, Russian Doll is now available on Belgium Netflix. It arrived for online streaming on January 20, 2022
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Nadia keeps dying and reliving her 36th birthday party. She's trapped in a surreal time loop -- and staring down the barrel of her own mortality.
Watch on NetflixOn the night of her 36th birthday, Nadia meets an untimely end ... then suddenly finds herself back at the party her friends threw for her.
Confused and hung over, Nadia tries to piece together what happened the night before. She tracks down Wardog, the drug dealer with the Israeli joints.
Nadia's hunt for clues leads her to a Yeshiva school -- but she needs John's help. Out searching for Oatmeal, Nadia befriends a homeless man.
Meticulous as always, Alan steadies himself for a rendez-vous with his girlfriend. Meanwhile, Nadia's latest discovery sends her reeling.
Perturbed by the changes in his routine, Alan shows up at Nadia's birthday party. Nadia tries to make amends to John, and Alan confronts Mike.
Nadia and Alan try to figure out how they're connected. Alan can't remember his first death, so Nadia follows him over the course of his night.
As the present begins to unravel, Nadia's troubled past comes back to haunt her, and Alan worries they're running out of time.
Nadia and Alan look for each other and finally cross paths at the deli. Something's not right -- but they're not giving up on each other.
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Nadia learns an intriguing fact about the family fortune that sends her on a quest for clues — and her situation takes a bizarre new turn.
Alan gets in touch with his roots in Berlin. On a trip to Budapest, Nadia and Maxine wind up at a mind-bending house party.
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No description available.
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No description available.
Here are all the ways you can stream "Russian Doll" in Belgium. Some of these are to rent or buy the title. Others require a free or paid subscription to a streaming service.
You will be redirected to the vendor site to the complete purchase.
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