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It’s All Crickets for A Quiet Place II on Netflix

May 28, 2021

In 2018, John Krasinski and Emily Blunt took Netflix by storm with their original horror flick A Quiet Place and ever since fans have been waiting for the sequel to drop. A Quiet Place II has finally arrived but not on Netflix. And it doesn’t look like it will arrive on the streaming service any time soon.

Image Courtesy of TMDb

A Quiet Place was written by Krasinski, Bryan Woods and Scott Beck and directed by Krasinski. This was a ambitious task that Krasinski and team executed terrifically. The film was met with rave reviews and was nominated for a slew of awards, taking home several awards for score, special effects and writing.

The film takes place in a post-apocalyptical time, when aliens have overrun the planet and hunt by sound. On a secluded rural property and family is surviving off the land in relative peace and security. The have retro-fitted their property with security measures and have trained their children to exist in near silence. In the end, all of their safety measures could not protect them from the natural curiosity of children and the vicious nature of the monsters who hunt them.

Image Courtesy of TMDb

Fans have been holding their collective breath for nearly three years and finally the much anticipated sequel ahs dropped. In theatres. With no prospect of a showing on Netflix in the near future. Sadness.

Released on May 27, 2021, A Quiet Place II has audiences buzzing. It is reportedly just as thrilling and suspenseful as its predecessor with several new plot twists and shocking moments of terror. Most of the original cast has returned with a few new characters introduced to the horror of life among murderous monsters.

Image Courtesy of TMDb

Canadian viewers will have to continue to wait as this flick is only available in theatres with no plans to release it on a streaming service that is accessible in Canada, as of yet. In the meantime, you can check out Bird Box, Slender Man, The Silence.

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