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Pieces of Her (2022)

March 10, 2022 Logo Netflix Logo Tmdb Logo IMDb Logo Rotten Tomatoes Logo Metacritic Logo

The new Netflix limited series, Pieces of Her, is lighting up the internet – and for good reason. This show is every good thing a modern mystery should be. Excellent writing, interesting plot and some darn fine acting. This series is the total package.

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Starring Toni Collette as speech therapist with a past, Laura, Pieces of Her follows a winding narrative that leaves viewers guessing and second guessing what might happen next. The rest of the lead cast is fleshed out with brilliant new comers like Bella Heathcote and Jessica Barden, and wonderful seasoned actors like Gil Birmingham, Terry O’Quinn and David Wenham. Collectively, they establish quite the presence on the small screen.

Images Courtesy of TMDb

The story opens with an incident in a local cafe where Laura unexpectedly squares up against a gunman to save her daughter, Andy (Heathcote). The incident garners media attention that exposes Laura and Andy to dangers of the past. As Andy flees to safety, she gets tangled up in the web of lies Laura spent a lifetime building to insulate them from the mistakes of her past.

The further Andy digs into her mother’s past the more dangerous the situation becomes. At every turn, Andy discovers more lies which leaves her unsure of who to trust. In an effort to break free, she runs right into the arms of danger and uncovers the truth about her own childhood that unlocks the truth to her mom’s past.

Images Courtesy of TMDb

Pieces of Her spent its debut week at the top of the Netflix charts. the show and Toni Collette were trending on social media for weeks before its release. All the buzz could have set viewers up for disappointment but in the end, it is the excellent script by Charlotte Stoudt that sets a firm foundation for intrigue and excitement for this one.

Pieces of Her is well and truly a binge worthy watch. Make some time to settle in to 8 episodes packed full of intrigue, close calls and mystery. Watch it now on Netflix.

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