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In From the Cold (2022)

February 1, 2022 Logo Netflix Logo Tmdb Logo IMDb Logo Rotten Tomatoes Logo Metacritic Logo

Spies. Intrigue. Mystery. Tension. Action. And an ice skating competition. This series has it all.

Image Courtesy of TMDb

In From the Cold is a new Netflix original series that sees a single mom’s world unraveled in the press of a button. An elevator button, but we’ll get to that later. The first thing you need to know is this series is the brain child of Adam Glass. If that name doesn’t ring any bells think Criminal Minds, Supernatural and Deadpool. He’s hand his hand in all of those and this new series is an excellent blend of his previous work but with a whole new twist.

The show opens with a series of mysterious crimes throughout Madrid. The mystery is not in who the victim was, or who the perpetrator was but what triggered regular people to suddenly act out in such uncharacteristic ways. At the same time this crime spree erupts, a mother and daughter land in Madrid as part of an girls’ ice skating team.

Image Courtesy of TMDb

When the mother steps out to run to the store, shortly after landing in Madrid, she is suddenly pulled into the crime spree. As she pushes the elevator button a strange man throws a smoke capsule into the elevator with her and the next thing she remembers is waking up in a strange room full of CIA agents. Before long she is a central character in solving the mystery of the crimes that have struck fear into the citizens of Madrid.

Margarita Levieva, a Russian-American actress, plays the lead role of Jenny opposite Cillian O’Sullivan as Chauncy the CIA operative. The chemistry between the two is raging as they battle, both physically and mentally, with each other. The third member of this stellar team is Charles Brice who is Chris the IT whiz. This trio develops a quick and entertaining rapport with each other that brings humour and humanity to their roles.

Image Courtesy of TMDb

Through a series of flashbacks, Jenny’s back story unfolds which adds an important layer to her motivation as a character. Stasya Miloslavskaya plays the young Jenny. Miloslavskaya is an accomplished Russian film and stage actress and her years of experience bring a beautiful depth of character and maturity to the younger Jenny.

In From the Cold is an excellent action thriller in a series format. It is fast paced, full of drama and there is no shortage of twists. There’s even a few jump scares in there too. This series definitely has the mark of Adam Glass on it. And thank goodness for that!

Check out season one now on Netflix!

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