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A Family Man (2016) – Review

November 25, 2020 Logo Netflix Logo Tmdb Logo IMDb Logo Rotten Tomatoes Logo Metacritic Logo

Gerard Butler goes against type in this 2016 flick and it’s beautiful!

If you are tuning in for Butler’s quippy lines and city-rattling explosions, I’m sorry but you are in the wrong movie. But if you are ready to see him stretch his legs and find his way on his own merit in a drama, devoid of weapons, war and bronzer, then this is the flick for you. In A Family Man, Butler trades in his machismo for a heart and it’s pure gold!

Title poster, a man with his face pressed against the wall. Movie tile: A Family Man written across the bottom
Image Courtesy of TMDb

A Family Man sees Butler as Dane Jensen, a corporate recruiter on the fast track to promotion when his young son is diagnosed with cancer. Jensen is faced with the difficult task of balancing his responsibilities as a professional and as a family man. Many of the concerns that plague Jensen are common to men of his age; the drive to succeed professionally, the demands of a young family and the desire to be a good provider and engaged husband. As his son’s health declines, Jensen is called upon to spend more time with his family, leaving his professional aspirations to fizzle out.

A man and a boy walking down a road
Image Courtesy of TMDb

Butler cultivates a strong chemistry with his young co-star, Maxwell Jenkins, throughout the film. Their scenes together are what make this movie so endearing and memorable. The two share some genuinely touching moments of connection as father and son as they explore the architecture of Chicago. With each adventure they go on they develop a clearer understanding of each other and find comfort in the friendship that grows between them. This comfort and connection is what sustains them through the darkest part of their cancer journey. And it is what drives Jensen’s decision about his high-powered career.

To be clear, this isn’t an Oscar worthy performance, mostly because it’s not an Oscar worthy script but it is an entirely lovely film that gives Butler the opportunity to try something aside from high-intensity action blockbusters.  While some may balk at Butler’s winding career path, I love that he tries different genres and takes on projects that interest him regardless of their big screen success. Some of my favourite Butler moments can be found in films the critics panned.

A sick child on a bed with his mother sitting beside him. His father is sitting in a chair holding the two younger siblings on his lap
Image Courtesy of TMDb

Although the critics didn’t love A Family Man, it is a quintessential feel good flick full of completely relatable moments. From the strained yet loving marriage to the overwhelming pressure a working dad feels to the restlessness that builds when that pressure peaks, each relationship portrayed in the film, although a little bit too kitchy, still carries the weight of truth. While this may not make it on the top ten list of Butler’s greatest films, I’m glad he took the risk and told us this story.

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