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Shonda Rhimes: Settling in and Finding a Home at Netflix

December 31, 2020

Shonda Rhimes, the long-reigning queen showrunner of ABC has recently found herself a new home at Netflix and she has hit the ground running!

After a tumultuous relationship with ABC, and its parent company Disney, Rhimes made the unconventional leap to the streaming service in 2017. There were many unknowns in this move but the one thing Rhimes had long craved was promised, creative license and room to breathe. Now, three years later, the first of the Shondaland – Netflix productions are being released. And it has been well worth the wait!

Image Courtesy of TMDb

In October 2020, the dance documentary featuring Debbie Allen, Dance Dreams: Hot Chocolate Nutcracker, was released to critical praise. The documentary follows Allen and her troupe of young dancers as they prepare for their biggest fundraiser of the year, a thrilling, if not slightly irreverent, production of Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker.

Dance Dreams was quickly followed by a Shondaland adaptation of Joanne Quinn’s romance novel series entitled Bridgerton in December 2020. This historical, regency drama is full of the things Rhimes knows best – sex, intrigue and powerful women. Season one of this series is lifted from the pages of Quinn’s first book in the series, The Duke and I and it wastes no time in stirring up scandal and drawing attention.

Image Courtesy of TMDb

While neither of these new releases are Rhimes’ originals she is brewing up something delicious for her fans soon enough. Inventing Anna is a series that has Rhimes in the driver’s seat across the board. As creator, writer and producer, Rhimes brings life and her signature steam and spunk to the series that is based on New York Magazine’s article “How Anna Delvey Tricked New York’s Party People” by Jessica Pressier.

In the meantime, enjoy a virtual feast of Shondaland offerings on Netflix with Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, How to Get Away with Murder and, of course, the newly released Bridgerton.

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