
Available on Netflix Ireland

Yes, Traffic is now available on Ireland Netflix. It arrived for online streaming on April 03, 2023

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Netflix Countries
  • United KingdomIreland


An exploration of the United States of America's war on drugs from multiple perspectives. For the new head of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, the war becomes personal when he discovers his well-educated daughter is abusing cocaine within their comfortable suburban home. In Mexico, a flawed, but noble policeman agrees to testify against a powerful general in league with a cartel, and in San Diego, a drug kingpin's sheltered trophy wife must learn her husband's ruthless business after he is arrested, endangering her luxurious lifestyle.

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Michael Douglas
Michael Douglas
Benicio Del Toro
Benicio Del Toro
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Jacob Vargas
Jacob Vargas

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Where to watch "Traffic" online

Here are all the ways you can stream "Traffic" in Ireland. Some of these are to rent or buy the title. Others require a free or paid subscription to a streaming service.

Apple iTunesSky Store

You will be redirected to the vendor site to the complete purchase.

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