Violent Summer

Available on Netflix Sweden

Yes, Violent Summer is now available on Sweden Netflix. It arrived for online streaming on January 19, 2022

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Summer, 1943: wealthy youth in the Riccione district of Rimini play while the war gets closer. Carlo Caremoli, a young man who follows the crowd, has found ways to avoid military service. Then, on the beach, he meets Roberta, a war widow with a child. Roberta's mother warns Roberta to avoid Carlo, but to her, he seems attentive and to her daughter he is kind. Romance develops. Within a few weeks, Roberta is risking everything. Can there be a resolution between passion, on the one hand, and war, duty, and social expectation on the other?

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Eleonora Rossi Drago
Eleonora Rossi Drago
Jean-Louis Trintignant
Jean-Louis Trintignant
Lilla Brignone
Lilla Brignone
Raf Mattioli
Raf Mattioli

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Where to watch "Violent Summer" online

Here are all the ways you can stream "Violent Summer" in Sweden. Some of these are to rent or buy the title. Others require a free or paid subscription to a streaming service.

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