
Available on Netflix USA

Yes, Anima is now available on USA Netflix. It arrived for online streaming on January 19, 2022

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In a short musical film directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, Thom Yorke of Radiohead stars in a mind-bending visual piece. Best played loud.

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Thom Yorke
Thom Yorke
Dajana Roncione
Dajana Roncione
Frida Dam Seidel
Frida Dam Seidel
Joseba Yerro Izaguirre
Joseba Yerro Izaguirre

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Where to watch "Anima" online

Here are all the ways you can stream "Anima" in USA. Some of these are to rent or buy the title. Others require a free or paid subscription to a streaming service.

You will be redirected to the vendor site to the complete purchase.

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